Chapter 168

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The next day, Saturday.
Russia had decided to take a walk outside since the weather was really nice this morning. He went out of his house and began walking. After a while he was on some bridge which went over a river. Russia stopped and looked down to the clear water. After a moment of looking at the water, Russia noticed that there was something that resembled a human. Russia just stared down until he finally realized what he was seeing. It was America. He immideatly took off his coat, he then jumped off the brigde and swam down to the bottom. Russia took America and then he swam up and layed him down on the grass. Russia tried to do revive him but it didn't seem to be working. But just as Russia was about to give up, America's eyes opened wide and he gasped for air. He then sat up and stared at Russia, very surprised.

"Dude.. you saved my life!" America said in shock as he stood up.

"I know" Russia said while standing up, not sure what he should have said.

"Why?? You know that I wanted to die!!"

"So you jumped as an attempt to kill yourself?"

"No.. Italy and Romano threw me there"

"So you were nearly killed by Italy?" Russia said while trying not to laugh.

"Shut up!" America exclaimed as his cheeks turned pink.

"What did you do to make them so mad??"

"I just.. raped Italy"

"Why would you do that??"

"I don't know!! I just did!!"

"Well, you shouldn't have. Italy never did anything bad to anyone" Russia stated "I atleast haven't heard from anyone that he has"

"Are you saying that I deserve to get raped?!!" America asked annoyed.


"And have I ever done anything bad to anyone?!" America asked, even more annoyed than before. Russia didn't do anything for a moment but he then burst into laughter.
"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING!?!!" America shouted angry.

"I'm-I'm sorry" Russia said as he tried to stop laughing "It's just that I can't believe you actually asked that question" Russia stopped laughing and was now just smiling.

"It's not like you are any better than me!!" America argued.

"I know but it's still funny"

"It's not so shut up!!"

"You shouldn't tell the person that saved your life to shut up" Russia stated.

"Holy shit! Do you ever shut up?!"

"I don't know. Mabye it's just you who keeps hearing me talking"

"That doesn't make sense!! You're not a freaking ghost!"

"What if I am? Mabye I'm not even real but just a figment of your imagination and m-"

"Oh god, seriously?!!" America cut Russia off "Can you please stop talking!!"

"I'm not talking"

"Wha- yeah, you are!!"

"Are you sure?" Russia asked as he stepped closer to America "Because you have no proof"

"You just did it!! That's good enough proof!"

"Nyet, you have to proof to me that I am talking"

"How am I supposed to do that?!"

"You just tell me that I'm talking after I've finished this sentence and I'll say if it's true because that's how it works. You can not obje-" Russia stopped talking and his eyes widened. Russia stared at America who had quickly crashed his lips against his. Russia just stood still while America continued to kiss him. America wrapped his arms around Russia's waist and began to kiss Russia with passion. Russia wasn't sure if this was actually happening so he was still and tried to process what was going on. After a while, America was about to break the kiss but Russia then cupped America's face in his hands and deepend the kiss instead. Russia closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. A while later, Russia pulled away slowly and his eyes met America's. They gazed into each others eyes until America looked away.

"I.. I'm sorry I kissed you" America said awkwardly.

"Alfred.." Russia layed one hand gently on America's cheek, he moved his head slightly so their eyes met again "you don't have to apologise" Russia smiled "I'm glad that you did it"

"All right. But sorry I told you to shut up, it was rude of me"

"That doesn't matter now. Let's just enjoy this moment" Russia said soothingly.

"Okay" America smiled. Then the two countries just stood and stared into each other eyes because they had nothing better to do.

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