Chapter 12

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~third person POV~

America walked back and forward in his livingroom while thinking heavily. 'How can I get Matt to stay away from Prussia?!?!!' He thought 'mabye I should tell him about when he raped me?' He stopped walking 'but how do I tell him that without making him sad?'. America finished the thought as there was a knock at the door. He walked to the door and opened it. Infront of him stood Prussia.

"What the hell do you want?!!!" America asked him angry

"I'm here to pick up Matthew" Prussia replied

"Oh hell no!!!" America exclaimed as he pushed Prussia backwards so he fell down on the ground, walked out of the house and closed the door behind him. "You are not going anywhere with my brother!!"

"Look.. I love Matthew und he loves me. Zhere's nothing I can do about it!" Stated Prussia as he stood up "you vill just have to deal vith zhat"

"I will not just 'deal with it' because you don't deserve someone as sweet and kind as he is!!!"

"I know but I am trying to be a better person" Prussia replied annoyed

"Well that doesn't change the fact... THAT YOU RAPED ME!!!!" Shouted America

"I said I vas sorry und I meant it"

"I don't care" America said as he opened the door. His and Prussia's eyes widened when they looked inside. Canada stood only a meter from the door and his facial expression seemed shocked and devastated.

"You... raped my brother?" Asked Canada Prussia quietly

"Zh-zhat vas b-before I met jou!!" Stuttured Prussia as America walked inside and past Canada.

"I don't care... you raped someone. And to make it even worse you raped someone close to me, someone I care deeply for. You hurt my brother and I cannot forgive that... ever." Exclaimed Canada furious

"B-but I love jou!" Cried Prussia out

"Right now... I don't give a shit aboot that... or you" Canada said and then he slammed the door shut. Leaving Prussia on his doorstep crying.

After a while of crying stood Prussia up and wiped his tears away with his sleeve. He walked away. For now he just wanted to go home.

Prussia entered his house and walked straight to his room and closed the door. He lied down on his bed and started to cry again. Then there was knocked on the door. Prussia didn't answer but just continued crying. The door was opened and Germany walked inside. His eyes widened at the sight of Prussia lying on his bed and crying.

"Vhat happened" asked Germany concerned while he sat down beside Prussia.

"M-Matt broke *sniff* up vith me" cried Prussia out and cried even more

"I'm sorry... mabye he vasn't right for jou"

"Nein... he vas zhe one. I love him" replied Prussia as he sat up with his head hanging down. Germany cupped Prussia's chin and lifted his head up so their eyes met. Germany could then see the tears streaming down Prussia's face.

"Please... stop" Prussia pleaded quietly

"I remember vhen I asked jou to stop" replied Germany as he gazed into Prussia's eyes which widened

"I-I'm so sorry about zhat. I should have stopped vhen jou asked me to..." Prussia said and looked away "und zhe same vith America" he then whispered to himself but Germany heard him.

"Vhat do jou mean?" Asked Germany. Prussia looked back at Germany.

"Vell I... kinda raped America too. That's vhy I asked if I vas good because he said I vasn't" replied Prussia quietly

"... jou vere just... using me?"

"Ja, I'm sorry"

"But.. I fell in love vith jou!!!" Exclaimed Germany as tears formed in his eyes. Prussia backed slightly away in shock.

"V-vhat?" He replied still in shock "but I... raped jou.. jou should hate me... und jou're my bruder!! Jou shouldn't love me like zhis!!!" Exclaimed Prussia. Germany jumped up from the bed

"BUT IT'S JOUR FAULT FOR RAPING ME!!!! JOU STARTED ZHIS!!!" Shouted Germany angry at Prussia. Prussia stood up and walked over to Germany who was starting to shake of anxiety. He then hugged him tightly

"Jou're right.. I have been a tezzible bruder. Jou should be able to rely on me but I failed jou" whispered Prussia to Germany

"Nein... jou aze a good bruder who just got confused und scared" whispered Germany as he hugged Prussia back "und I love jou"

"... I love jou too bruder" Prussia said as he buried his head in Germany's shoulder.

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