Chapter 164

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The next day, Friday morning.
Prussia went out of the hospital bed and got dressed. He was feeling better now and was ready to leave the hospital. Prussia went up to the front desk, checked out and then left the building. He headed straight to school.
Almost half an hour later entered Prussia the school and immideatly began looking for Germany. The first class had already started so Prussia went to the classroom he was supposed to be in. When he entered the room he saw a empty seat next to Germany. Prussia hurried over to him and sat down.

"Vhat do jou vant?" Germany asked annoyed.

"I just vant to sit vith mein bruder" Prussia replied.

"I vish Italy or Canada vere in zhis class.." Germany muttured to himself.


"I vish jou vould go avay"

"Vhy? Vhat did I do?" Prussia asked. Germany didn't say anything for a while. He just stared at Prussia, not believing what he had just heard.

"...Vhat did jou do? Jou ruined mein life" Germany then replied.


"..I can't believe zhat jou're actually asking zhis! Jou raped me, abandoned me, came back and immideatly started running after some guys and ignoring me, jou manipulated me to break up vith mein boyfriend, jou started hitting on me und expecting zhat I vould love jou back just because I vas in love vith jou zhree years ago und zhen jou told Russia zhat jou vere going to kill me!!"

"..I see.." Prussia said quietly.

"I see?! Is zhat all jou're going to say?!! Vhat's vrong vith jou!!?"

"I'm sorry.." Prussia gazed into Germany's eyes and layed one hand softly on his cheek "I'm so, so sorry about all of zhis. I know zhat I don't even deserve being near jou but I vant jou to know how sorry I am. I realize zhat I should just die und go to hell but I vill not leave jou again. I vill stop being a stupid jerk und I know zhat for as long as I live.." Prussia leaned closer to Germany "I vill never stop loving jou" he gently kissed Germany's forehead and then backed away. "I really hope zhat jou vill forgive me someday" Prussia said with a warm smile, but Germany could see a hint of tears in his eyes. Prussia stood up and walked away. Germany sat still and just thought about stuff.
Prussia walked out of the room, he didn't feel like staying in class. He went to the centerspace and sat down by a table.
Spain walked to the centerspace holding a couple of books, because he was coming from the library, and saw Prussia, so he walked to him and sat down beside him.

"Hola, what's up?" Spain asked.

"Not much.." Prussia replied.

"I heard that you got pushed off the roof of the school"

"I vas but I'm better now, I just have to vear a bandage und a cast for a little vhile"

"Well, all right...? But have you talked anything to Germany since you went to the hospital?"

"He came by, shouted at me a little und zhen left. I also talked to him just a couple of minutes ago"

"Why did he shout at you??"

"He found out zhat I vas planning to kill him"

"Wha.." Spain stared at Prussia for a moment. He then took up a book and hit Prussia in the head with it.

"OW!! Vhat zhe hell vas zhat for?!! Jou hit mein stitches!!!"

"YOU IDIOTA!!!" Spain shouted as he stood up from his seat, still holding the book, and hit Prussia again, this time in the shoulder of his broken arm.

"OWW!!! VHAT ZHE HELL!?!!" Prussia yelled annoyed.

"YOU DON'T PLAN TO KILL YOUR OWN BROTHER, YOU STUPID JERK!!!" Spain shouted and continued to hit Prussia with the book.

"STOP ZHAT!!" Prussia shouted and managed to take the book away from Spain.

"You're awful" Spain glared at Prussia "No wonder your brother doesn't love you" he took up his books and took the one Prussia held "And if he never loves you back it's your fault, even if he says that it's his, it's always yours. You are terrible person and no one will ever love you again" Spain said with the most hateful tone in his voice. Prussia's eyes were just wide as he watched Spain walk away.

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