Chapter 192

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Iceland sat down at a table with Sweden, Norway and Finland.

"What have you two been doing?" Finland asked Iceland and Norway with a smile.

"I've been studying and following Denmark around the school" Norway said in monotone.

"Uhh.. okay" Finland said and turned to Iceland "What about you?"

"I've been trying to study more and a guy said that he liked to hang out with me" Iceland replied.

"Oooh! Who was it??" Finland asked excited.

"That loud annoying guy"

"What's his name?"

"P something, I don't really remember"

"Was it Prussia?" Sweden then asked.

"Já! Prussia"

"Prussia was hitting on you??" Finland asked a bit surprised.

"I'm not sure if he was hitting on me but he did talk to me, he said I had beautiful eyes" Iceland said with a slight smile.

"Do you think he's cute?" Finland asked with a smirk.

"I don't know. He isn't.. not cute though" Iceland said awkwardly.

"Aww, do you have a little crush on him?"

"Why are you acting like this?? Don't you hate him?"

"No, not really"

"Why not?"

"Because you shouldn't hate retarded people" Finland said and smiled.

"Oh.. okay"

"So, do you think you'll date him?"

"I don't know"

"Well, no matter what you choose just remember that if he hurts you I'll be willing to shoot his brains out"

"I will put him in a coma" Sweden said.

"I could curse him if you want me to, I've been working on curses lately" Norway said in monotone, like usual.

"Takk" Iceland smiled "You're all so nice to me"

"It would probably have been more nice if Denmark was here" Norway said quietly.

"Denmark's married now and you have to deal with it" Sweden replied.

"I know, I just miss him" Norway stood up "I have to go to the bathroom" he said just before walking away. Norway walked past the table where Denmark and Japan sat. As he passed it he glared at Japan and then walked out of the cafeteria.

"He did it again!" Japan said annoyed.

"Who did what??" Denmark asked confused.

"Norway rooked at me funny"

"He's probably just a little mad that I'm hanging out with you all the time and that I don't spend any time with the other Nordics"

"Mabye you shourd spend more time with them"

"Yeah, probably. I'm with Sweden in next class so I can ask him what's been going on with them"

"I don't get how you can tark to him, he creeps me out" Japan said as he felt shivers run down his spine.

"He's actually pretty cool as long as you don't mess with him, Finland, Norway or Iceland"

"Can't Finland and Norway take care of themserves? And Icerand?"

"Of course Finland can, Sweden just really loves him and because of that he's super protective of him, and Iceland's still just a kid so he needs care and protection. Norway could mabye do some magic for protection, I don't really know" Denmark stated. "I think when Sweden found out that Finland cheated on him with Prussia he ended up forgiving Finland and he kicked Prussia in the face"

"I didn't know that Finrand cheated on Sweden!"

"He was just really drunk, probably because of Prussia but it doesn't really matter"

"Do you think that Prussia is a bad infruence?"

"Why are you asking?"

"It's just that I saw Prussia tarking to Icerand earrier and it rooked rike there was something going on between them"

"Iceland and Prussia?? How the hell would that work??!"

"I don't know"

"Oh my god! What's Prussia even thinking! He's too old for my Icey!!"

"I don't think he's that o-"

"I HAVE TO FIND PRUSSIA AND KICK HIM IN THE BALLS!!!" Denmark shouted as he jumped up from his seat. He stormed out of the cafeteria.
"YOU!!!" Denmark yelled at Prussia as he saw him walk out of a classroom.

"Oh god, vhat did I do now?" Prussia sighed "Vhatever it vas, I'm sorry, all right?"

"I don't want an apology, I want a god damn explanation!" Denmark demanded.

"About vhat?"

"About why you were hitting on my adorable little Icey!!"

"I zhink he's cute"

"Well, I understand why you'd think that"

"Look, I don't know if he even likes me. I've been to jail und zhat's usually a huge turn off for people so he probably won't vant to be vith me"

"Oh.. well, don't be so negative. Mabye he'll just dismiss it and like you for... something else" Denmark said reassuringly.

"Mabye, but can anyvon really like somevon like me? I should just give up"

"Aww, don't say that. I'll talk to Iceland and convince him to go out with you!" Denmark said.

"Vould jou really do zhat??" Prussia asked surprised.

"You've stopped hurting people, right?"


"Then I'll talk to Iceland, bye bye" Denmark said and went back to the cafeteria.

"...Idiot" Prussia said quietly as he smirked and walked away.

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