Chapter 61

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Norway and Iceland were still in the Nordic club room. Finland walked slowly inside.

"what happened?" Iceland asked.

"I think Sweden and I are over" Finland said quietly.

"why?!" Iceland walked over to Finland "what happened??"

"I cheated on him"

"... andskotinn" Iceland mumbled to himself. Sweden walked inside the room. Finland hurried over to him.

"Sweden! I'm so sorry!!! I should never have done that!!" Finland cried out.

"I think we should take a break" Sweden said in monotone.


"I need a break" Sweden said and then walked back out of the room. Sweden walked out to the yard by the school and sat down on a bench. He buried his face in his hands as he felt tears burst from his eyes. He just sat there and cried.

Back to the other Nordics. Finland sat down, he was absolutely devastated. Norway and Iceland sat down on each side beside Finland.

"it will be allright" Norway said, trying to cheer Finland up.

"no it won't. I did something horrible and he shouldn't forgive me" Finland said in a sad tone.

"He said a take a break not break up so it'll be okay!" Iceland said reassuringly.

"thank you for the support but I don't think this will work out"

"don't be so negative" Norway said as he stood up "I have to get to class so i'll see you later" he then walked out of the room. Norway walked across the hall and to the stairs. He was going to walk down but Canada stood infront of him.

"hey Norway" Canada said as he tried to sound cheerful but Norway saw through it.

"hallo" Norway replied.

"so.. you talked to Prussia earlier, eh?"

"how do you know?"

"he told me" Canada walked a bit closer to Norway "are you interested in Prussia?"

"He seems like a nice guy.. except for the rape and stalking.." Norway said.

"oh really? and you think you might have a chance with him?"

"no.." Norway backed away and walked passed Canada "I know I do" he said smuggly to Canada and then continued to walk away.
Norway entered the classroom and saw a empty seat beside Prussia. He went over to him and sat down.

"oh, hey" Prussia greeted as he looked at Norway.

"hallo" Norway replied as he gazed into Prussia's eyes. "has anyone ever told you that your eyes are very pretty?"

"nein" Prussia said a bit confused "vhy?"

"because.." Norway leaned closer to Prussia while still gazing into his eyes "I've never seen as beautiful eyes as yours" Norway whispered seductively.

"I-uhh" Prussia's face turned bright red. Norway backed away.

"sorry if I made you uncomfortable" Norway apologised.

"n-nein, it's allzight" Prussia said while still blushing.

"hey!" a voice said behind the seats of Prussia and Norway. The two turned around to see China with a annoyed look.

"vhat?" Prussia asked.

"would you mind not being so lovey dovey, or whatever that shit is called, infront of me!!" China said annoyed.

"sorry" Norway said as he turned back. Prussia then turned back too.
China scoffed quietly "really hate people right now" he mumbled to himself as he continued looking down on his table, being bored.

"you shourdn't be so pissed arr the time!" Japan stated. China looked at Japan who sat in the seat next to him.

"I never should have gone back to school" China said.

"if you hadn't you wourd stirr be in your bed and crying over Russia! just try to get over him!!"

"I am over him"

"rearry?" Japan looked China in the eyes with a determined look in his own.

"" China said as tears formed in his eyes. He stood up and ran out of the classroom, not caring that the teacher called after him to get back. China ran as tears streamed from his eyes. He ran up the stairs and didn't stop until he was on the roof. 'Should I mabye do it? If Russia could then why can't I?' China thought as he walked closer yo the edge.

"STOP!!!" a voice called from behind China. China turned around. As he saw who it was he looked a bit confused.

"England?? What are you doing here?" China asked.

"I was already on the roof"


"I wanted to eat my launch in peace" England said.

"Why aren't you with France?" China asked.

"he had to go away for a few weeks and won't be back until next week" England said with a sad tone.

"don't you have anyone else to hang out with?"

"not really, I don't have many friends" England said.

"what happened?" China asked curious.

"I'll tell you if you step away from the edge and come to me!" England stated. China walked over to England.

"so, what happened?"

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