Chapter 123

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The next class.
America sat beside Prussia in a classroom.

"Russia told me that you two never dated" America whispered to Prussia.

"Jou veren't supposed to tell him zhat I told jou!" Prussia whispered in reply.

"Were you lying to me?!"

"Nein! He vas! I told jou zhat he didn't vant anyvon to know so of course he lied about it!!"

"Why does he want to keep this a secret?? It's not like you were a stalker and a rapist back then!!" America said annoyed.

"..Zhat huzt"


"Zhat jou vould call me zhat, I zhought jou loved me" Prussia said quietly.

"It's not my fault that you are!"

"I zhought jou got over zhat!"

"I did but that doesn't change it" America stated. Prussia stood up from his seat and walked to the door.
"Where are you going?!" America called after Prussia. Prussia didn't answer and just walked out. Prussia walked to the center space and sat down by a table. He rested his head on his arms and just stared down at the table. 'If America could say that so easily then does he even love me? It was like he didn't even care that I was hurt' Prussia then thought. Prussia could hear footsteps behind him and they were getting closer. Prussia turned around and saw Russia.

"Vhat aze jou doing here??" Prussia asked as Russia said down, across from him.

"I'm avoiding England" Russia replied.

"But vhy did jou sit vith me?"

"Because if he would see me sitting alone he would come to me but since I am not alone then he will hopefully go away"

"Is England stalking jou or somezhing??"

"Nyet, he only follows me around school sometimes"

"Vhy is he folloving jou?"

"He's in love with me or something like that" Russia said and sighed "It's getting very annoying"

"Vhy is he in love vith jou??"

"I don't know"

"How could he fall in love vith jou??"

"Am I really so unlovable that you have to wonder why anyone would ever love me"

"Vhat! Nein! Of course not" Prussia said a bit nervous.

"Why are you so nervous around me now?"

"Vhat do jou mean?"

"You used to act so casual around me but then you started to be so nervous. It's not like I'm trying to kill you"

"I just sometimes zhink zhat if I start to get to comfortable around jou zhen I might start to like jou vhich vould eventually lead to me falling in love vith jou again"

"That is probably not going to happen" Russia stated.

"Jou never know"

"But you're with America aren't you?"

"Ja.. I don't know if it vill vork out though"

"Why not"

"He called be a stalker und a rapist"

"But haven't you stalked and raped?"

"I stopped doing zhat! How vould jou feel if somevon called jou a psychopazh for beating people up??! Vouldn't jou feel bad!"

"China called me that"

"Und didn't it huzt?!! Especially because it vas somevon who claimed he loves jou but zhen he just zhrows zhat right in jour face!!"

"It did hurt"

"Und don't jou zhink zhat jou deserve somevone who doesn't call jou vhat zhey know jou hate being called!!"


"Don't just say 'da' like jou're not sure! If jou really zhink jou deserve better zhen zhat jou have to say it und mean it!!"

"Okay.. I mean it"

"..Aze jou mabye just not much for shouting?"

"Not really"

"Okay, but if jou really feel like jou deserve better zhen go und break up vith China right now!!"

"We aren't together anymore"

"Allzight.. zhen go find somevon who vill care more about jou or just be alone if zhat's vhat jou'd prefer"

"Okay, I will" Russia said as he stood up "thank you" he then walked away.
Russia walked to England's classroom and walked up to his table.

"Oh, hi Russia. What are y-"

"I'm not doing it" Russia cut England off.

"What do you mean?!"

"I am not going to screw you" Russia said as he smiled.

"But we made a deal!!" England exclaimed.

"I do not care"

"Then you're just a coward"

"And you are crazy, bye bye" Russia said and then walked out of the room.

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