Chapter 86

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America walked out of the bathroom and a few minuets later walked Prussia out too. America went to meet up with Russia while Prussia went somewhere. America walked to the garden where Russia had asked him to go. America went outside and when he was there he saw Russia sitting on a bench with China. America walked up to them.

"Why is China here?!" America asked.

"I can go if you want, aru"

"Nah, I'm sorry dude" America said as he sat down beside China.


"Yeah, to be honest.. I don't wanna fight anymore" America said calm.

"So can we three be friends?" Russia asked.

"Sure, if it's okay with China"

"It is" China replied.

"Okay, cool" America said.

"But can I ask you a question, America" Russia then spoke up.


"Why did you sit with Prussia?"

"Because there wasn't another seat empty"

"But you could have asked the teacher to move the table like you did when this happened before" China stated.

"I know but I just have to accept that someday I will have to sit or be somewhere near Prussia. I can't avoid him forever"

"Okay.. but why were you talking to him?" China asked.

"I was trying to apologise but he wouldn't listen"

"But he talked back and it seemed like you were getting along pretty well" Russia stated.

"He was telling me to leave him alone and he did it quietly and made it seem like we were just having a normal conversation so the teacher wouldn't interfere"

"That doesn't sound like something Prussia would do" Russia said doubtful.

"I guess he just changed after he got raped" America answered "because people can change you know"

"Allright" Russia stood up "I need to go"

"Where?" America asked curious.

"I need to talk to someone, bye" Russia then walked away, leaving China and America in a bit of a awkward situation.

"So... what's up?" America said to break the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"What's going on, how are you or something like that"

"Oh, I'm okay"

"Are you going to date Russia again?" America asked while looking at China.

"I don't know"

"Why? Is there someone else?"

"Kind of"


"...England" China said as he looked away from America.

"Are you sure you want to choose him over Russia??" America asked and smirked.

"Why? Is there something wrong with England?!"

"Not at all! It's just..." America hesitated. China turned to America and looked him straight in the eyes.

"You know I've been with both of them, right?"


"Well.. I kinda thought Russia was better, you know what I'm saying"

"Like.. in bed?"


"What does that have to do with anything??!"

"I'm just saying that if you've done it with Russia and then do it with England it will be good but.. not as good"

"I don't care"

"Just telling you" America stood up "you do whatever you want dude" he then said and walked away.
China just sat on the bench for a while. 'I don't think it matters who's better, I like them both' China thought as he stood up and started walking 'but if I had to choose someday.. should I decide based on who's better in bed? Or is it just stupid to think like that?'.

Germany sat with Canada in the cafeteria. Both countries were quiet and just ate their food while awkwardness filled the air around them. It was because Prussia had just taken a seat across the table from them.

"So... how aze jou?" Prussia asked. Germany and Canada didn't answer but just stared at Prussia.
"Come on! Am I really making everyzhing so awkward?!"

"Ja.. jou aze" Germany then said quietly.


"Because jou used to date Canada but now he's vith me und zhat's awkward for us so go avay!!"

"Fine" Prussia stood up "I guess jou just can't handle mein avezomeness!" He said and then walked away. Prussia walked out of the cafeteria and into the classroom his next class was in. There he saw America and there was nobody else in there.

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