Chapter 16

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Prussia rushed inside his house and closed the door behind him. 'That was so embarrasing' Prussia thought as he walked to his room and layed down on the bed. For a few minuets he just stared at the ceiling and thought about all kinds of stuff but then his phone rang. Prussia sat up and took the phone out of his pocket and answered the call.

"Hallo" Prussia said

"Hola amigo. Are you doing anything?" Spain asked on the other line

"Nein. Just being avezome as usual" Prussia replied. Spain chuckled.

"Allright. Could I mabye come over?"

"Sure. But vhy?"

"I have to tell you something important" Spain replied in a serious tone.

"Okay. See jou" Prussia said and hung up.

About an hour later was knocked on the door to Prussia's house. Prussia stood up, walked to the door and opened it. On the doorstep stood Spain. Prussia let Spain inside. They walked into Prussia's room and sat side by side on the bed.

"So, vhat did jou vant to tell me?" Asked Prussia curious

"I'll tell you after a bit, I have to ask you something first"

"Okay. Vhat?"

"Do you still love Canada?" Spain asked

"I do love him but he vill never take me back und I have accepted zhat" Prussia replied.

"So... would you be ready to move on?"

"Ja, probably. Vhy do jou ask?"

"Because... I know someone who likes you" said Spain

"Who?" Prussia asked a bit curious. Spain leaned forward so his face was only a few centimeters apart from Prussia's and Spain gazed into Prussia's eyes.

"Me" Spain whispered and then he pressed his lips against Prussia's softly. Prussia's eyes widened and for a moment Prussia just sat in shock but then he kissed Spain back. Spain licked Prussia's lower lip but Prussia then broke the kiss and backed away.

"I-I'm s-sorry. I just can't d-do zhis" Prussia stammered as he turned away from Spain. "I love Canada. I know jou like me but I zeally can't do zhis"

"I don't just like you." Spain took Prussia by the shoulders and turned him around to face him so he could look Prussia in the eyes. "I... I love you. I've loved you for a really long time and seeing you with Canada kills me. I want to be with you. Without you I feel empty and I feel like I could die. But when I'm with you I can't help but feel happy and I just want to hold you thight and don't let go. And because I love you so deeply I can't help but feel horrible when I see you're feeling down and I'm sorry I didn't talk to you sooner. And if you really want to be with Canada I will respect that and do everything I can to help you because I want you to be happy. Even though I may not be" Spain confessed. Prussia didn't say anything. He just sat and stared in shock at Spain. He had no idea what to say or how to react. Prussia had no idea that Spain felt that way and why didn't he tell him before he started dating Canada? Prussia continued to just stare at Spain untill he finally managed to say the words

"I... vant jou to go now" Prussia stood up from the bed, still with the same shocked expression. Spain jumped up from the bed and took Prussia's hand

"Please. Don't send me away. I love you" Spain pleaded with tears forming in his eyes.

"Just... go avay" Prussia looked into Spain's eyes with an emotionless expression "please". With those words Spain let go of Prussia's hand and walked out of the house. Spain walked a few miles until he reached a bench by a small pond. He sat down and stared at the pond. 'I guess Prussia doesn't want me around anymore. Mabye he never wants to see me again' Spain thought as he felt tears streaming down his cheeks. He then burst into tears.

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