Chapter 194

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After class.
Prussia walked towards the gourmet club where he saw France, China and Turkey sitting at a table and talking.

"Hallo" Prussia greeted casually as he walked up to the table.

"What do you want?" Turkey asked.

"I realized zhat I haven't talked to jou for a vhile"

"Are you still chasing after Germany?" France asked.

"Nein, ve're cool now"

"Okay. Are you dating someone?" France asked a bit curious.

"Nein, I'm trying to check if I should be dating somevon I used to be vith"

"What does that have to do with us?" Turkey asked.

"Vell, ve fucked und I vas pretty close to France"

"I don't think you should be dating either of us"

"Okay, I vas just checking" Prussia stood up "But I'd like to hang out vith jou und Spain again" Prussia said to France as he smiled. Prussia then walked out of the room and headed towards the cafeteria. As he was walking down the stairs he bumped into Russia, making the books in Russia's arms fall to the floor.

"Can you help me pick up my books?" Russia said as he bent down to pick up the books.

"...I can't, I'm not allowed to bend mein legs" Prussia said as he stared at Russia's ass.

"That's a stupid excuse" Russia said as he picked up the last book and straightened himself up.

"Okay, vhatever" Prussia said and then continued to walk down the stairs. When Prussia entered the cafeteria he walked to the table where Iceland sat with Finland and Sweden. He poked Iceland's shoulder, making Iceland turn around to face him.

"What?" Iceland asked.

"I've realized zhat jou deserve somevon better zhan me" Prussia said with a sad look on his face.

"Oh.. okay"

"I'm sorry for hitting on jou. By zhe vay, I zhink jou und zhat Hong Kong guy vould look cute togezher" Prussia said and then walked away.

"That guy is seriously weird" Iceland muttured to himself as he turned back to Finland and Sweden.
Prussia walked out of the cafeteria and went to the music room where Austria usually was when he wasn't in class. Prussia walked into the room and saw Austria sitting on the piano bench. But he wasn't playing the piano, which was kind of weird. Prussia walked closer to Austria. When he was only about two meters from him, Prussia heard quiet sobs coming from Austria. Prussia stepped closer to him and put his hand gently on Austria's shoulder. Austria quickly turned around and when he saw it was Prussia he slapped his hand away and stood up.

"Vhat zhe hell are jou doing here, idiot?!" Austria asked as he wiped the tears off his face with the back of his hands.

"I'm sorry, can I just talk to jou?" Prussia replied.

"Nein, I don't vant to talk to jou!!"

"It von't take long"

"I SAID NEIN!!!" Austria shouted annoyed.

"Just hear me out!"

"Vhy didn't jou kill jourself?!!"

"Can jou calm down a little?"

"Fuck jou!!" Austria exclaimed. Prussia walked closer to Austria.
"Vhat zhe hell are jou doing?!" Austria asked, both angry and confused. Prussia ignored Austria's question and gently layed his hands on each side of Austria's face. Austria just stared at Prussia who smiled.

"I never realized how absolutely stunning jou are" Prussia said with a soothing tone in his voice.

"I still hate jou" Austria said in a slight daze as he stared into Prussia's eyes.

"I know, but I zhink zhat jou might be zhe von I've been looking for"


"Zhis just.. feels right somehow. I don't know vhy I didn't notice it before but I do now" Prussia leaned closer to Austria "Ve belong togezher"


"I sai-"

"I know vhat jou said!" Austria said as he pushed Prussia away. "Und ve are NOT meant to be togezher! Not now! Not later! Not ever!!" Austria said and looked at Prussia with hatred in his eyes "I hate jou! Jou disgust me und jou deserve to burn in hell for eternity!!"


"GO AVAY OR I VILL FUCKING KILL JOU!!!!" Austria shouted furious. Prussia's eyes widened.

"Vhy do jou hate me so much?" Prussia asked as tears formed in his eyes.

"Because jou used me! Jou gave me false hope. I loved jou und I zhought jou loved me back but jou just left! Jou made me feel vorthless!" Austria looked down to the floor "But zhen jou came back und I zhought zhat maybe jou did love me. I zhought zhat ve could finally be togezher, zhat I could be happy. Zhen jou left.. again. Just to chase after some ozher guy" Austria looked back up at Prussia with tears forming in his eyes "Jou broke mein heart, jou broke mein spirit, jou simply broke me! Und now jou come once again to say jou love me! Vell, I can't trust jou!!" Austria could feel the warm tears running down his cheeks "I-I don't vant to go zhrough zhat pain again, even if I still loved jou, I.. I just couldn't do it" Austria sat down on the piano bench, which was behind him "Now can jou please just go?"

"...Okay, I'm sorry" Prussia said quietly and then walked out of the room.

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