Chapter 158

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"So, what exactly happened?" Spain asked.

"I just asked zhem if zhey knew vhere Russia is"

"Them? So it wasn't just Belarus?"

"Estonia und Latvia vere in zhe room too"

"Okay, are you going to tell a teacher?" Spain asked curious.

"I can't do zhat!!"

"Why not?"

"Do jou really zhink zhat anyvon gives a fuck about me anymore?! I'm a known rapist und an, attempted, murderer!! Zhey vould probably be upset because Belarus didn't kill me!" Prussia exclaimed, frustrated.

"Hmm.. that could be true" Spain muttured and began thinking.

"I can kill you if you want" Holland suggested calm.

"Don't say that!!" Spain said angry.

"I vill never die!!!" Prussia exclaimed and stood up "NEVER!!!" He shouted and then walked away.

"Why did you say that?!" Spain asked Holland, annoyed.

"I was just joking"

"But you wouldn't have actually done it?"

"No, of course not"

"Thank god! Because we do not need more crime in this school!" Spain stated.

Prussia walked out of the cafeteria and to the bathroom. He was about to open the door when another hand touched his. Prussia looked beside him and saw America standing there.

"Sorry about that, dude" America apologised as he took his hand off Prussia's.

"It's okay"

"So.. how was jail?" America asked with a awkward smile.

"It vas pretty boring"

"But what have you been up to since you got out?"

"I made mein bruder break up with Russia, I attacked Russia again, zhen I told my bruder zhat I'm in love vith him und now he's avoiding me und started dating Italy.. so zhat sucks"

"Oh.. okay"

"Vhat have jou been doing?"

"I also told my brother that I was in love with him and he is avoiding me now, I asked Russia to kill me but he refused, but he might consider doing it after a couple of days so that's something to look forward to"

"Jou actually asked Russia to kill jou??!" Prussia asked surprised.



"Honestly.." America sighed "I've been feeling miserable since we broke up. I'm not still in love with you but it's like I can't move on either. I just want to be happy, you know?"

"I get zhat, I tried getting Austria back but zhen I vent to jail und now he hates me even more zhan before. Zhen I just, out of novhere, started to have feelings for Germany, vhich led to me being in love vith him, but he von't even talk to me. I'm actually looking for Russia now just to tell him about Germany dating Italy in hope he vould get rid of Italy or somezhing so I can have Germany all to meinself. I know it's selfish, und probably a bit evil, but I vould do anyzhing to be vith him! I just vant to be happy and have him vith me" Prussia said as tears formed in the corner of his eyes "I'm just so lonely vithout him"

"You must have missed him alot while you were in jail, wasn't it difficult?"

"Ja.. I got beat up a couple of times because somevon saw me crying"

"Holy shit"

"But atleast he vould call me, almost every day" Prussia smiled "Just hearing his voice made me feel so much better"

"Wow.. I actually feel bad for you" America said a bit surprised.

"Don't! I don't need pity! I'm avesome und I alvays vill be!!" Prussia argued.

"Do you feel awesome right now?"

"..Vhat do jou mean?"

"In this situation, do you feel awesome?"

"Zhat doesn't matter! I'm still avesome!"

"How can jou be awesome if you feel like shit? An awesome person shouldn't feel this sad, you have to feel awesome to be awesome"

"Jou're right.." Prussia's eyes filled up with tears "I'm not avesome!" Tears began to stream down his cheeks "I'm not even okay! I'm nozhing!!" He cried out as he fell to his knees. He now just stared down at the floor "I'm absolutely nozhing.." he said quietly.

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