Chapter 89

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England walked down the stairs just minding his own business when all of a sudden he felt someone bump into him.

"I'm sorry about that" England excused himself.

"I'm not" Russia said with a smile.

"That's not very polit-" England wasn't able to finish the sentence because Russia punched him, making England fall backwards and down the stairs. Russia then walked to the bottom of the stairs, where England was trying to stand up, and kicked him in the ribs. England cried out in pain as Russia contiuously kicked him until he was sure that he'd broken a couple of his ribs. England tried to stand up again but Russia took out his faucet and started beating England in the back so he fell back down. After beating him, way to much, stopped Russia. He managed to turn England around so he layed on his back and Russia bent down over England and stared into his eyes.

"I hope that after this you will learn that you don't talk shit about me without.." Russia leaned closer to England's face "facing the consequences" Russia said as a creepy grin formed on his face. He then raised himself and put the end of the faucet on England's stomach.

"W-wha-" England froze as he felt Russia slowly force the faucet into his stomach, going deeper with each second until he was all the way through and the faucet touched the floor.

"You're not going to die but you will need to go to the hospital" Russia said calm as he ripped the faucet out of England. Russia then kicked England in the head and left.

China had been running around, looking for Russia but it seemed like he wasn't going to find him. Just as China was about to give up he saw Russia sitting by a table in the centerspace.

"Where were you?!?" China exclaimed.

"I was just doing something" Russia replied.

"Did you kill England?!!"

"Of course not, that was just a figure of speech" Russia said and chuckled.

"So he's allright??"

"Da, he should be... soon"

"What do you mean soon?!"

"I saw him fall down the stairs"

"Did you push him!?"

"No, I didn't push him" Russia stated.

"Did you hurt him?!" China asked.


"Mabye?!! Just say yes or no!! Or if you want to say it in Russian then I don't care just tell me!!!"

"I kicked him.. a little"

"You know you shouldn't hurt people!!"

"I just promised to not hurt you"

"I don't care! If I find out that you hurt England more than you said you did then I will never talk to you again! So.. did you do more than just kick him a little?!" China stated with determination.

"Okay.. I'll tell you everything" Russia said quietly "I saw England in the stairs so I punched him and he fell down, then I kicked him and might have broken a few ribs in him. Then I stabbed him with my faucet, kicked him in the head and left"

" really did that?" China asked quietly as he was in a state of shock.


"I can't believe you would do something that.... psychotic"

"I'm not a psychopath!"

"Are you sure? Because you act like one"

"Please don't say that" Russia said as tears formed in his eyes.

"You are insane! You need to get some serious help!!"

"Please stop saying that" Russia cried out.

"You are a fucking psycho!!!" China exclaimed.

"STOP!!!" Russia shouted as tears streamed down his face. China stopped. He just stared at Russia.


"I don't like being called that"

"If you don't like being called that then stop acting like it!!"

"I'm sorry" Russia said quietly "I'm really sorry"

"Yeah, okay. But you're going to have to apologise to England and I won't talk to you until he has forgiven you"


"Starting now!" China said and then walked away.

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