Chapter 7

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~the next day~

America entered his classroom and as soon as he sat down approched one student him. It was a guy that seemed to be rather calm and looked like he was trying to analyze the situation to determine if he should speak or not. He had straight black hair and soothing dark brown eyes. He finally spoke

"Konichiwa, I am Japan" he bowed slightly and then straightened out.

"I'm America. It's nice to meet you Japan" America replied and smiled

"Thank you. I just wanted to ask you if you wourd rike to be in the newspaper crub. It's rearry fun and you can take interviews with other crubs" suggested Japan with a slight calm smile

"I'd like to check that out, can I after class?" I asked hopefully

"Hai" Japan bowed again and then walked back to his seat in the front. 'What a charming dude' thought America. After a few minuets started the class. America took notes, Russia kept drawing and writing the same thing over and over in russian and Prussia glanced at America when he thought he didn't notice.

~America's POV~

After class I met with Japan and we walked to the room where the newspaper club was. When we entered the room sat two other students at a table. One had brown hair with a curl sticking out and was smiling widely with his eyes closed and talking about doing an article about pasta. The other had blonde hair combed back and light blue eyes, he also seemed quite muscular and looked kinda annoyed. Japan walked with me up to the guys and inderduced me

"America this Itary" he said as he pointed at the smiling brown haired dude "And this is Germany" he pointed at the blonde dude. "And this is America" he pointed at me. I walked forward and greeted them politely

"Nice to meet you dudes. I hope that I will be allowed to join your club"

"Ciao~ and-a of course you-a may be in our club!!~" replied Italy cheerfully

"Guten tag" the German said.

"Why don't you take a seat?" Suggested Japan. I nodded and sat down beside Japan across from Germany. "Now ret's begin discussing the issue of the day" started Japan

"Vhat issue?" Asked Germany

"The rumor that Prussia raped a student recentry, I'm not sure when" as Japan finished the sentence my eyes widened but I tried to remain calm. Germany looked at me suspiciously but then looked back at Japan

"Vho ztarted zhat rumor?" Asked Germany

"I don't know. I heard it from China but he said he heard it from Austria which heard it from Hungary who heard it from Romania who heard it from Icerand and he said he heard it from Norway who craimed to have heard it from Denmark and Denmark says he doesn't remember where he heard it"

"How do you remember all that?" I asked amazed

"I have good memory"

"But is zhere any proof he did it?" Asked Germany then anxious

"I know Prussia is your brother but we have to terr peopre the truth if that is it" stated Japan calm

"... ok zhen.." Germany replied. My eyes widened. Were Germany and Prussia brothers!!??! I thought they just both German. And who is older?

"Excuse me but who is older?" I asked

"Vhat do jou mean?"

"Are you older than Prussia or is he the older one?"

"Prussia is mein older bruder"

"Okay" I replied while checking my watch. It was 15:26. I stood up "I'm sorry I have to go now but if it's allright i'd like to come again tomorrow"

"That wourd be nice" replied Japan with a calm expression. I then rushed out the door. I was supposed to meet Russia at the center space 12 minuets ago. I hope he didn't leave. I ran through the hallways and towards the space. When I turned around the corner I saw something shocking. Russia still sat there but beside him sat Prussia!! I walked up to the table

"What the hell are you doing here Prussia?!?!!". Prussia turned around to face me

"I vas just offering Russia something" he replied and then walked away. I glared at him as he dissapeard around the corner and sat down beside Russia

"What was he offering you?" I asked

"...I'm not sure" he replied quietly and walked away. I stood up.

"What is going on here??" I whispered to myself. I then walked away.

-end chapter-

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