Chapter 167

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"Are you really going to ignore me?" Spain asked quietly.

"I'm not ignoring you, I'm just getting ready to leave. How did you even get here so quickly?" Holland said. Spain went up to Holland, grabbed his shoulders and looked straight into his eyes. Spain tried to look serious but he could feel tears come from his eyes and his lips were quivering.

"You can't just leave!" Spain said, while trying his best not to burst into tears.

"I can if I want to"

"Do you really want to leave me??! You used to tell me that no matter what I did you would always love me!! You can't say something like that and then not stand by it!!" Spain cried out.

"I still love you!! And after believing that you loved me too but then finding out that you cheated on me hurts more than anything I can possibly imagine right now!!!" Holland exclaimed.

"But if you still love me, how can you just leave?!"

"Because I feel like that somewhere deep in your mind you don't actually want to be married to me. I know that you love me but that doesn't mean that you should promise to be with me forever"

"But I want to be with you forever!!!"

"I remember when I proposed to you and when you said yes your smile seemed very... forced, like you weren't sure if you were doing the right thing" Holland said calm.

"That wasn't.." Spain started to tremble "I-I wasn't thinking.." It was like Spain had now all of a sudden lost his voice. He just stood there, trembling and staring at Holland with wide eyes.

"Mabye you should be with Prussia, altough I thinks he's in love with his brother so you should just probably be with Romano" Holland stated. Holland turned around and walked to the door. Just before he opened it he heard sobbing behind him. Holland looked back and saw Spain crying into his hands, which were covering his face.

"P-please d-don't go" Spain said quietly and his words were a bit muffled. Holland stood still for a moment but then he walked up to Spain. Holland wrapped his arms around Spain and held him close, in hope he would get him to stop shaking. Spain hugged Holland back tightly.
"A-are y-you really going t-to leave me??" Spain then asked.

"I thought I could do it.. but I can't. Not after seeing you cry like that. I couldn't live with myself if I left"

"S-so you won't divorce me?"

"No, I was just mad" Holland broke the hug and layed one hand on Spain's cheek "I'm sorry I hurt you"

"I'm glad you won't" Spain smiled to himself "if you would leave I couldn't survive, because without you my life would be meaningless. So, no matter what happens I'll be by your side and I will support you in whatever you decide to do"

"What about your friends?"

"I love them and all that but they have alot to deal with so we can't hang out often"

"But are you sure that you want to be with me? Because I don't think I could handle it if you'd promise to be with me but then cheat on me again. So please don't agree to be with me unless you are absolutely sure" Holland said with a serious tone.

"I promise I won't cheat on you or leave you, I want to be with you, nobody else!" Spain said sincere.

"It makes me so glad to hear that" Holland said as he smiled.

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