Chapter 107

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"But if Russia's in zhere.. who's vith him??" Prussia then asked after a short moment of silence.

"China?" America suggested.

"But if Russia's zhe bottom zhen China couldn't possibly be zhe von on top!"

"Why not?"

"Zhere's like over ten centimeter difference between zhem!!"

"Then who is it??!"

"Mabye it's someone taller zhan Russia??"

"I think he's the tallest dude in this school.." America said quietly. There was a moment of America and Prussia just staring at each other while thinking but then Prussia burst into laughter.

"OH MEIN GOTT! RUSSIA'S BEING SCREWED BY SOME LITTLE GUY!!!!" Prussia shouted and then he fell down to the floor, laughing his ass off.

"Don't be so loud!!" America exclaimed "they could hear us!"

On the other side of the door.
England froze.

"I think someone heard you" England whispered to Russia.

"That is your fault for making me moan so loud" Russia said calm.

"What?! You're blaiming me!!"


"Wow! How stubborn are you?!"

"I am only being stubborn because I do not like you" Russia replied "can you just finish this so I can go"

"But I handled you pretty well" England stated.

"Then I'll do you when you want but I won't promise that I'll try to satisfy you"

"You're so nice" England said sarcasticly.

"It's kind of difficult to be nice to someone like you" Russia said as he looked away from England. England didn't reply but just continued to thrust into Russia, making him moan slightly, until he came inside of him. England then stood up and put on his pants.

"They probably know you're in here but not me so I'll go out the window" England said as he climbed up to the window "I'll talk to you later" England then jumped out the window, from the first floor. Russia got dressed and walked to the door. When he opened it he saw Prussia and America debaiting about something.

"What are you doing here?" Russia asked. Both America and Prussia quickly looked at Russia with wide eyes.

"Who vas vith jou?!!" Prussia then asked.


"We know that but who??!" America asked.

"I do not have to tell you that" Russia said and then walked away.


"Oh well.. we'll ask China" America said casually.

"But vhat if it vasn't him??"

"Then China will probably go ask Russia and Russia will most likely tell China then we'll just stand nearby and listen" America said while smiling.

"Jou aze a genius!" Prussia said happily.

"I know" America said smug and then they walked away and out of the school. Prussia went home to Germany and America went home too.
Prussia knocked on the door and waited. A moment later was the door opened and in the doorway stood Germany.

"Jou shouldn't be here" Germany said as he glared at Prussia.

"I'm sorry alzight! I shouldn't have done vhat I did"

"I can't forgive jou yet" Germany said calm.

"Vhy not??"

"Because I don't vant to!"

"Zhat's stupid!"

"Jou aze so immature" Germany said annoyed and then closed the door.

"Jou'll have to forgive me someday!!" Prussia exclaimed through the door and then walked away.

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