Chapter 121

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The next day.
Russia and China were walking to school.

"Why were you acting so strange on Saturday?" Russia asked out of nowhere as they entered the school.

"Strange? How?" China asked.

"You were kind of awkward and also on Sunday"

"Oh, I was just thinking about something"


"Tur- I mean nothing!!" China said awkwardly.

"Tur?? What is that?"

"It's nothing!! Just forget about it!"

"Is it Turkey??" Russia asked.

"What??!" China let out a awkward chuckle "O-of course not! Why would I be thinking about him??"

"I don't know"

"Anyways" China stopped by a classroom "I go in here" he said and then walked into the room.

"Okay, bye" Russia said and then walked to his classroom.
China sat down in a empty seat and took up his books. England then sat down in the seat beside him.

"Why are you here?! Go aw-"

"I know about you and Turkey" England cut China off. China's eyes widened.


"I know that you and Turkey fucked at his party" England whispered and smirked.


"I heard France, Spain and Prussia talking about it"

"Please! Don't tell Russia!!" China pleaded.

"What makes you think I'm going to tell him?"

"You aren't?" China asked a bit surprised.

"Of course not" England said as he smiled "You are"


"If you don't then I will spread the word around the entire school so everyone will know that you are a total git and Russia will probably hear it from his sisters or something" England stated.

"How can you be so douchy??!!" China exclaimed.

"Are you sure that I'm the douche?" England asked smug.

"..Alright, I'll tell him after class"

"No, now"


"Because otherwise I'll start telling everyone"

"I really hate you!!"

"I love you too" England said sarcasticly while smiling.

"Shut up" China said as he stood up and then went out of the room and to the classroom Russia was in. China walked up to Russia's table.

"Oh, hi" Russia greeted with a smile.

"I need to talk to you" China said with a serious tone.

"Okay" Russia stood up "Where?"

"Just somewhere private"

"Alright" Russia and China walked out of the room and to the nearest bathroom. China closed and locked the door behind them.

"I need to tell you something" China said as he turned away from Russia.


"Something happened at Turkey's party, something I really regret" China said quietly.

"It can't be that serious. It's not like you cheated on me" Russia said and chuckled. China turned around and looked Russia in the eyes with tears in his own.
"Wait.." Russia said quietly as his smile faded "did you?"

"I'm so sorry!!" China cried out "I was drunk and I didn't know what I was thinking!!!"

"You.. cheated on me..." Russia said quietly.

"I'm so sorry!!!" China exclaimed as he fell to his knees "I'm so so sorry!!!!"

"Who was it?"

"What do mean??"

"Who did you do it with?"


"And you were thinking about him earlier"

"No! I was jus-"

"Do not lie to me" Russia cut China off.

"But I wasn-"

"DON'T!!" Russia shouted as he started to get annoyed "Just tell me the truth" he then said after he had calmed down.

"I.." China took a deep breath "I was thinking about Turkey but it was because I was trying to remember what happened right before we did it"


"Are you mad at me?"

"Wouldn't it be weird if I wasn't?"

"So you are"

"I don't really know"

"But is there anything I can do to make it up??!"

"If you could go back in time and not cheat on me, that would be great"

"..So there's nothing??"

"Not really"

"So are we over??! Can't we get through this together?!"

"I need some break for myself, we can just get back together after a couple of days or a week"

"Just like that?? No crying? No 'we are over'?? Are you even mad??" China asked a bit surprised.

"Not really but I can be if you want to"

"I don't want that.. I just thought you would be more mad" China said a bit confused "Are you alright?"

"I don't know. I will go back to class now"

"But are we on a break?"

"Da, starts right now so we are not really dating"


"Bye" Russia said and then walked out of the bathroom.

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