Chapter 196

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School was now over. Austria was walking out of the school when he saw Germany walk up to him.

"Vhat do jou vant?" Austria asked.

"Vhat zhe hell did jou do to mein bruder?! He's miserable!" Germany exclaimed.

"I just told him zhat ve vill never be togezher und zhat he disgusts me, I have also told him to kill himself"

"Vhy vould jou say zhat?!!"

"He hurt me"

"Zhat's not an excuse, even if he hurt jou! Jou can't just tell him to kill himself!! Zhat's low, even for somevon as mean as jou!" Germany said angry.

"Ve both now zhat Prussia should be dead anyvay, he's not even a country anymore" Austria stated. Germany's eyes widened slightly in shock.

"He.. he can't die" Germany said hesitantly.

"It's very hard for him to die, but he vill surely die at some point. He may be able to fall off a roof und survive but if jou vould, for example, shoot him zhrough zhe head, he vill die"

"Don't say zhat!! Zhat is not true!" Germany argued.

"Jou can believe vhatever jou vant but zhat doesn't mean it's true" Austria said as he walked out of the school and headed home. Germany stood still for a while but then ran after Austria. He began walking beside Austria.

"Can't jou give Prussia anozher chance? He feels horrible for screwing zhings up vith jou" Germany said.

"Zhen vhy von't he talk to me himself?" Austria asked.

"Vould jou really have listened to him?"

"Nein, but I vould have appriciated zhe effort"

"Ja, sure"

"Look, I actually still love Prussia but I hate him at zhe same time so it's kind of confusing" Austria said "I vant to be vith him und I also vant him to die"

"Do jou zhink zhat he'll leave jou?" Germany asked.



"He's done it before so he could do it again"

"He could but do jou really zhink he vould?"

"I don't know... he could see somevon else und fall in love vith him" Austria said with a sad tone.

"But if jou love Prussia, don't jou zhink jou should give him anozher chance?"


"Just zhink about if he leaves jou, jou'll just be mad again but.." Germany stepped closer to Austria "vhat if he doesn't leave jou. He'll love jou, jou could finally be happy. Jou could stop being a bitch und be vith zhe love of jour life for as long as jou live"

"Zhat vould be nice.."

"I know. It's very rare to find somevon zhat loves jou zhat much"

"Should I talk to him??" Austria asked.

"Ja, just go to mein house, he's probably crying on zhe couch vhile vatching tv" Germany replied.

"Zhank jou for coming to talk to me" Austria said and smiled warmly. He then walked away.
A while later. Austria knocked on the door on Germany's house. He waited until Prussia opened the door. Prussia's eyes widened as he saw Austria.

"Austria!" Prussia said surprised.


"Vhy are jou here??"

"I realized I've been kind of mean to jou so I vant to apologise"

"Oh, okay"


"It's okay" Prussia smiled slightly.

"Vere jou crying?"

"Vhat?! Nein!" Prussia said and scoffed as he used his sleeve to wipe away some tears off his cheeks.

"All right... I also came to tell jou somezhing"

"Vhat is it?"

"I... I love jou too!" Austria said as he quickly pulled Prussia into a hug.

"I'm so glad to hear zhat" Prussia said as he hugged Austria back and smiled.

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