Chapter 142

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After school.
Germany went straight to the hospital where Russia had been taken to the day before. He entered the hospital, asked for Ivan Braginsky and was then told to go to room 12. Germany walked into the room where he saw Russia sitting in the hospital bed just reading.

"Hallo" Germany greeted a bit hesitantly. Russia looked at Germany.

"Hi, I'm glad you came" Russia said as he smiled warmly to Germany.

"I'm really sorry zhat Prussia tried to kill jou. I had no idea zhat he vould do somezhing zhat insane!" Germany said as he walked up to Russia's bed and sat down on a chair beside it.

"No worries, I am not mad" Russia replied.

"Really?? Mein bruder did try to kill jou!"

"It's not like I'm innocent myself"

"But I heard zhat jou just layed und took all zhe beating until Prussia vas dragged avay!"

"That's what happened but I'm talking about when I beat up China and then later England"

"Okay.. but vhy didn't jou hit Prussia back??" Germany asked curious.

"I thought that if I would then you would get mad at me so I thought it'd be better to not hit him back"

"...Jou let somevon nearly kill jou just because jou vere afraid zhat if jou did anyzhing as much as kick him in zhe leg vould make me mad at jou??!"

"I know it may sound a little pathetic but I really don't want you to be mad at me"

"I'm not, I thought you would be mad at me!"

"Of course I'm not" Russia said as he stood up from the bed.

"Jou shouldn't be getting out of bed!" Germany stated "Jou could accidentally huzt jourself!"

"It's cute that you're worrying about me but I've been through worse than this" Russia said and started to take off that rope shirt thing that patients wear.

"Vait!!" Germany exclaimed.


"Azen't jou.. naked under zhat?"

"I'm wearing underwear under it right now"

"But.. aze jou just going to undress.. infront of me?"

"Unless it's a problem for you"

"Nein, not at all" Germany said as he stared at Russia "just.. continue"

"Alright, could you hand me the clothes on the hook over there by the door?" Russia requested. Germany went to the hook and took the clothes off it. Germany then turned around to give it to Russia but he froze as he saw Russia standing less than half a meter from him, in only underwear. Germany just stood there and stared at Russia.

"Is something wrong??" Russia asked a bit worried.

"Jou.. how did it heal so quickly??!"

"I'm a pretty strong country" Russia said with a smile.

"Doesn't it huzt?!"

"Kind of, but it doesn't bother me"

"Jou shouldn't go if jou're not vell yet! Zhat only makes it vorse!"

"Don't worry about me, I will be fine" Russia said as he started to get dressed.

"I heard zhat Prussia punched jou in zhe face too, is anyzhing broken zhere?"

"My nose broke but that will get better soon"

"Shouldn't jou vear somezhing over it??!"

"I don't think it's that serious"

"But vhere aze jou going??"

"Just out for a walk somewhere... do you want to come with me?"

"Sure" Germany agreed.

"Let's go then!" Russia and Germany then walked out of the hospital like it was normal for patients to just walk away without letting anyone know. It was now evening and the two had been walking for a while now so they decided stop by some lake and they just stood there and watched as the sun started to go down.

"So.. vhat now?" Germany asked as he turned to Russia.

"I want to say that I'm really sorry if I freaked you out with what I said yesterday"

"It's alzight" Germany smiled slightly "kind of veird but alzight"

"But I meant it when I said I love you" Russia said softly as he gazed into Germany's eyes

"I'm not sure if I love jou but I really like jou" Germany said awkwardly.

"Well, that close enough" Russia chuckled. Germany wrapped his arms around Russia's waist as he gazed back into his eyes, making Russia's eyes widen slightly in surprise.

"I really vant to get closer to jou zhough" Germany whispered seductively as his face got closer to Russia's.

"S-seriously??" Russia asked a bit surprised.

"Ja, I've really liked jou for a pretty long time now" Germany said quietly just before he pressed his lips against Russia's gently. Russia kissed back immideatly.

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