Chapter 149

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The next day.
Russia entered the school and walked to class. He had three minutes until class started. Russia went into the classroom and sat down in the front, so when Germany came he could see him. A while passed and class had now started. Russia started to get worried so he turned to the table behind him, where Estonia sat.

"Do you know where Germany is?" Russia asked.

"No, mabye he's just a little late" Estonia replied.

"Alright.. but how are you?"

"Me? I'm good, what about you?"

"I'm okay. Anything new with you?"

"...Why are you making small talk with me?"

"Because we are friends"

"Oh, okay.. or is it mabye because Germany isn't here so you just want someone to talk to"

"Da, and I'm talking to my friend now" Russia said with a smile.

"Okay, but I want to study too so I can't tal-" Estonia stopped talking.

"What?" Russia asked curious. Estonia just stared at the doorway so Russia turned around to see what he was staring at. Russia's eyes widened as he saw Prussia standing in the doorway while Germany was talking to the teacher. Prussia noticed that Russia was looking at him so he looked back and a wide grin formed on his face. Germany then walked back to Prussia and they sat down in seats at the other end of the room.

After class.
Prussia went to the cafeteria with Spain and France so Russia dragged Germany with him into a random, empty, classroom.

"Vhy did jou drag me here?!" Germany asked annoyed.

"Wasn't Prussia supposed to get out today and come to school tomorrow??" Russia asked, ignoring Germany's question.

"I zhought so but his lawyer managed to get him out really quickly. Vhy do jou ask?"

"No reason.. just wondering"

"Vait.." Germany went closer to Russia "Vere jou planning somezhing?" He then asked sucpicious.

"Not at all, just.. wondering" Russia replied.

"Don't lie to me!! Tell me vhat jou vere planning to do right now!!" Germany demanded. Russia took a deep breath and then looked straight into Germany's eyes.

"I planned to kill him" Russia said calm.

"Vh- JOU CAN'T KILL MEIN BRUDER!!!" Germany shouted.

"I know"

"Zhen vhy vere jou planning to!!?"

"Just for fun" Russia said and smiled innocently.

"Okay... I should probably go to Prussia now so he doesn't find us togezher" Germany said and was about to turn around when Russia stepped closer to Germany and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"Vhat aze jou doing?!" Germany asked, a bit surprised by the sudden movement. Russia didn't answer but instead leaned slolwy closer to Germany's face as he gazed into his eyes. Russia moved one hand to Germany's cheek, cupping it, and then kissed him softly, but passionatly, on the lips. Germany could feel his heart flutter as Russia licked his lower lip slightly, asking for entrance which Germany allowed. Russia slid his tounge into Germany's mouth and explored every inch of it, not even giving him a chance to fight back. Germany then managed pull away and gasped for some oxygen.
"I.. I need to go now" Germany said between deep breaths.

"There's no hurry" Russia said in a soothing tone as he backed Germany up against a few tables, so Germany tumbled backwards and landed on his back on the tables. Russia went on top of Germany, with each hand beside an opposite side of Germany's head. Russia lowered himself and kissed Germany roughly as he moved one hand, slowly, down Germany's chest, to his stomach and then stopped at his pants. He started to loosen Germany's belt but Germany stopped him. Russia broke the kiss and looked at Germany with a questioning look.

"Don't.." Germany said quietly.

"Why? What's wrong?" Russia asked a bit worried as he went off Germany.

"I don't vant to do zhis anymore" Germany said as he stood up and looked away from Russia.

"What! Why? What did I do??"

"I just.. don't, I'm sorry" Germany said and then hurried out of the classroom.

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