Chapter 137

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Germany hurried out of the bathroom and started looking for Canada. He saw him sitting infront of a classroom reading a book. Canada saw Germany and smiled.

"Hi" Canada greeted cheerfully.

"Ja, hallo" Germany replied a bit nervous.

"What's wrong??"

"I talked to somevon in zhe bazhroom und zhen he just said he loved und I don't know vhat to do!"

"Does he know you're with me?" Canada asked as he stood up.

"Ja! He said he didn't care"

"I will kick his ass! Who was it, tell me his name!" Canada demanded.

"It's-uhh.. Russia" Germany said awkwardly.

"I-it's Russia?!!" Canada hesitated "Well.. you have to deal with this yourself then, nothing I can do here"

"Vhat?! Jou von't even try?"

"You realize I'm like 175 cm with kind of weak muscles while you're 180 and alot more muscular than me, probably even more muscular than Russia!"

"But he can be so aggressive"

"Are you scared of him or something?? And how do you know if he is??"

"He vas once hitting on me, kept getting really close to me und said alot of veird zhings zhat I didn't really get"

"Things like what?"

"Vhen he vas first hitting on me he said somezhing about making me his territory und zhat I vill become von vith Russia, vhy did he talk about himself in third person zhat's confusing, und earlier he said zhat if I vas feeling empty zhen he vould fill me.. After I said zhat I didn't vant any hard feeling zhen he said zhat it veren't his feelings zhat vere hard, vhat does he mean by zhat??" Germany asked confused.

"Hmm.. by making you his territory he probably meant having sex with you and the same goes for becoming one with Russia, atleast in that situation, the other two I don't get either"


"Ask your brother about it, he probably knows it"

"Ehh, okay" Germany said and then walked away. He went straight to the cafeteria where most of the students were and saw Prussia sitting alone. Germany walked to him and sat down beside him.

"Hi" Prussia said as he smiled.

"Hallo, vhy aze jou sitting alone?"

"I just vanted some space to zhink"

"Should I go?"

"Nein, of course not! Vhat do jou vant to talk about?"

"Vhat does it mean vhen some guy says zhat it's not zheir feelings zhat aze hard but somezhing else und zhat zhey can fill jou?" Germany asked curious.

"Under vhat circumstances did zhe guy say it?"

"He vas, umm, pinning me against zhe vall und smirking" Germany said awkwardly.

"Ehh, zhen by saying it vasn't his feelings zhat vere hard but somezhing else he probably meant his, ehm, dick und by filling jou he mabye meant zhat he vas going to fill jou vith.. semen.." Prussia replied, also awkwardly. Germany blushed and just stared at Prussia who stared back.

"I'll.. just go.. now" Germany said as he stood up and then hurried away. Prussia just shook off his awkwardness somehow and continued thinking about something when Spain sat down at the table.

"Hola" Spain said cheerfully.

"Hallo, vhere's Holland?"

"He's somewhere, what's going on with you?"

"Germany just told me somevon said somezhing really veird und sexual to him"

"Oh.. who was it?"

"I didn't ask"

"So someone said something weird and sexual to your brother and you didn't ask who said it??"

"Vell.. nein"

"I would have asked" Spain stated.

"So should I ask?"

"Of course! What if it's someone like Turkey or Russia who said it! Do you really want the guy who has has slept with about as much guys as you to be hitting on your brother?! Or the guy that tried to kill two guys!!?"

"Turkey hasn't been vith nearly as many guys as me!"

"That's not something to brag about"

"Vhatever! I'll go ask Germany"

"Okay, I think he's infront of classroom 173 with Canada"

"Vhat if Canada just said it?"

"Do you really think that?" Spain asked doubtful.

"Nein, not really"

"Then go"

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