Chapter 51

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The next day. When Russia woke up he noticed he was at his house. He stood up and looked around but didn't see China anywhere. 'When did I go home? Was it all just a dream?' Russia thought as he looked at the clock. It was 10:01 in the morning 'China's probably at school so I'll just ask him'. Russia was wearing his normal clothes, even the coat and scarf. Russia didn't care so he took his schoolbag and then hurried to school.

When he arrived at school the class was already in session so he sneaked inside and sat down in the back without making a sound. He looked around the classroom for China who was supposed to be there but he wasn't. Russia started to get worried.

"Hey!" Russia whispered to France who sat infront of him. France turned around.


"Have you seen China anywhere today?"

"No, why?"

"I haven't seen him since yesterday evening when I was at his house.. I think, atleast he seemed fine yesterday so he's probably not sick so he should be here but he isn't so i'm just worried" Russia said with worry.

"So.. you spent the night with China?~" asked France with a slight smirk.

"That doesn't matter! Do you know if anybody has seen him today?" Asked Russia annoyed.

"Non, try asking Japan" France suggested and turned forward again. Russia sighed. He then stood up and walked out of the room. The teacher didn't even seem to care. Russia went to the room next door and looked inside. There he saw Japan talking to Denmark. Russia walked over to Japan's table.

"Do you know where China is?" Russia asked. Japan looked up at Russia who stood infront of his table.

"I think he's at the restroom" Japan answered.

"Thank you" Russia hurried out of the room and to the nearest restroom and looked inside. No one. Russia then went to another restroom and there he saw China sitting in a corner, hiding his face in his hands.

"What are you doing here?" Russia asked as he kneeled infront of China. China didn't answer. Russia reached forward and took China's hands away from his face. He accidentally let out a gasp as he saw China's face. He had a black eye.

"What happened to you??!" Russia asked in shock. China looked up at Russia with an angry expression.

"You promised you wouldn't hurt me!!" Exclaimed China. Russia backed slightly away.

"Do you mean.. I did this? When? I don't even remember doing that" Russia said confused.

"You did it last night! I thought you were asleep and I needed to go to the bathroom so I somehow managed to get off the couch without you falling or waking up. Or atleast that was what I thought. After I came back from the bathroom I was going to see if you were okay so I went to the livingroom and there I saw you sitting on the couch. You seemed to be thinking much so I didn't want to disturb you but when I was about to walk away you grabbed my hand and pulled me down to the couch and then you went on top of me and tried to... do stuff to me.. but I was to tired so I tried to push you away but you still continued so I tried harder but you still wouldn't budge but then you went to far so I managed to slap you. You then finally stopped and stood up and walked away so I was afraid you were mad at me so I followed you and apologised but then you pinned me to the wall and threatend to punch me. I asked why. Then instead of answering me you just punched me and then you left" China said angry.

"I... I'm so sorry! I had no idea that I was such a jerk last night. I would never punch you willingly!" Russia apologised.

"Well you are a jerk and you did punch me!! Do you mabye have schizophrenia or something?!! Because you've been acting like you're fucking crazy!! First you use me and then you tell me you love me but then you almost beat me to death and then you say you loved me all along and when I finally start to trust you punch me in the face!!!" China exclaimed "so you know what?!! I'M. DONE! YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF AND JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE BECAUSE I WILL NEVER TRUST YOU EVER AGAIN!!!! I HOPE YOU'LL BURN IN HELL!!!" He then shouted at Russia who was still in shock after what he'd done.

"But.. don't you love me?" Russia asked quietly.


"I-I'm still sorry" Russia cried out with tears in his eyes. China didn't answer and left the room. Russia just sat on the floor as he watched China walk away and then Russia burst into tears.

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