Chapter 33

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Germany knocked on Russia's door. Russia opened the door after a short moment.


"Remember vhen jou said I'd become von vith mothzer Russia?" Germany asked while blushing slightly.


"Vell.." Germany stepped closer to Russia "I... I vant to become von.. vith jou". Russia's eyes widened.


"Ja, unless jou zhink America vould be against it"

"Well we aren't together officially"

"Zhen let me become von" Germany whispered seductivly as he pushed Russia inside the house and closed the door behind them. Russia fell to the floor and Germany climbed on top of him. He dragged down Russia's pants and his own. Germany then sat down on Russia's growing erection and moaned in pain. Germany then began moving up and down and moaned with each movement.

America walked up to Russia's door and heard strange sounds. He opened the door and saw Germany moving up and down on Russia.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" America shouted. Russia gasped but couldn't move because Germany was on him. Germany looked behind him and at America.

"Vhat does it look like!" Germany said smuggly as he continued moving and a few moans escaped his lips.

"I-I can explain" Russia stuttured.

"There's nothing to explain. You clearly got back together with me so you could get revenge. Well good job! You got your revenge and I feel like a total moron" America said and then stormed out the door. Germany stood up and pulled up his pants.

"Zhis vas nice, bye" Germany then walked away leaving Russia confused and devastated.

Germany met up with Japan and they walked to China's house and knocked on the door. China came and let them in.

"So how did it go, aru?" Asked China as they walked to the livingroom.

"Pretty vell I zhink" Germany said.

"Hai! We managed to brake America and Russia up.

"Good!" China smirked.

"But why are you trying to hurt Russia?" Japan then asked. China turned to Japan.

"Because he hurt me!!" Exclaimed China.

"But shourdn't you just forgive him and be the better man? And you arready broke his nose which probabry hurt much" Japan said.

".. you're right. I shouldn't be doing this" China sat down "what's happening to me??"

"Jou just got angry and vhen people get angry zhey often do stupid zhings" Germany said as he sat down beside China.

"Do you think we can help them to get back together?" China then asked.

"I doubt it. America seemed zeally hurt" Germany stated.

"I will apologise" China stood up "to both of them!" China then walked out of the house and headed for Russia's house. When he finally got there he knocked on the door. Russia opened the door.

"What do you want?" Russia asked.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry! For being such a douche and other stuff" China apologised.

"It's alright. I was mean to you" Russia replied.

"And.. I guess I'll see you tomorrow in school" China then hurried away.

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