Chapter 68

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School was almost over so Austria walked around, looking for Prussia. He then ran into Norway.

"excuse me, but have jou seen Prussia?" Austria asked.

"I did earlier today but not since then. Why are you looking for him?"

"I need to talk to him?"

"about what?"

"zhat's kind of personal"

"If you're hoping to get together with him then I'm just going to tell you that it's not going to happen" Norway stated.

"Vhy? Does he like somevon else?"

"I'm not sure but Canada and I are already trying to get Prussia and we don't need another dude also trying to get him"

"zhen vhy don't jou just give up? It's most likely zhat I vill get him anyvay!" Austria said smug.

"don't be so sure of yourself, it will just be more embarrasing for you when I get him" Norway said and then walked away. Austria just scoffed and continued looking for Prussia.
After a while of walking around saw Austria Prussia. He was just sitting by some table at the center space in the school. Austria walked up to him and sat down beside him.

"vhat's vrong?" Austria asked with worry.

"nozhing" Prussia replied quietly while looking down at the table.

"don't lie to me, I can see zhat zhere is somezhing vrong!" Austria stated. Prussia looked up at Austria.

"it's just zhat..."


"My butt hurts" Prussia said and pouted.

"zhat's not good... I zhink jou should talk to America about zhis"

"Vhy?!" Prussia asked nervous.

"jou alvays say jou're avezome! So aze jou really going to let vhat happened turn jou into a little cry baby?!" Austria asked a bit annoyed.

"azen't jou supposed to say it vill be alzight und zhat it vill just pass? isn't zhat vhat jou do vhen jou love someone? cheer zhem up?" Prussia asked confused.

"Most people may do zhat but I know zhat if jou're going to just cry und hope zhings vill fix zhemselves jou vill never get better! I didn't fall in love vith somevon who lets people just valk all over him!! I fell in love vith jou because jou vere strong, confident und jou didn't take scheiße from anyvon!!!" Austria grabbed Prussia by the shoulders and gazed into his eyes "I can't stand to see jou like zhis"

".. I'll talk to America" Prussia stood up "zhank jou for zhe advice" he then walked away. Prussia saw Canada and walked to him. "hey!"

"oh, hi Prussia" Canada replied.

"vhere's jour bruder?!" Prussia asked.

"he's with Japan in the newspaper club room, why?"

"zhanks" Prussia stormed towards the newspaper club room. When he arrived he saw America and Japan making out.
"Excuse me!!" Prussia exclaimed. America backed away from Japan.

"Prussia, what do you want?" America asked annoyed.

"I zhought jou und Japan had broken up" Prussia said.

"we got back together" America replied "can you go now!!"

"I remember vhen I vas dating Canada" Prussia said, totally ignoring America "ve used to be really happy togezher but jou couldn't deal vith me being vith jour bruder because of vhat I did to jou but zhat's understandable... vhat I don't really get is vhy jou vould.. force.. somevon to take all zhat rough pounding zhe same day as jou broke up vith Japan und zhen agree to get back togehzer vith him zhe next day" Prussia walked over to America and stopped when he was only a few inches away "jou have made me realize zhat jou aze no better zhan me"

"I didn't rape my brother!!"

"I know but just zhink about zhis" Prussia leaned forward to America's ear "I zhink jou aze tezzible at fucking und I know jou did it intentionally but do jou zeally zhink zhat if jou can hurt me so much just by fucking me, making me feel no pleasure from it at all, zhat jou could ever be any good? it seemes higly unlikely. Jou could really hurt Japan, he so little und probably very fragile physically. If jou can hurt my ass zhis much zhen jou vould really just destroy Japan's ass" Prussia whispered in America's ear. He then backed away and turned to Japan "vatch out or he vill destroy jour ass" Prussia said and then walked away. Japan and America didn't say anything for a while.

".... destroy my ass?? what is he tarking about??!"

"he's just being a douchebag"

"then what did he mean by rough pounding?! Did you have sex with him?!"

"Japan! it wasn't like that!!"

"then what the herr was it rike?!!"

"he was going to rape me but then I managed to take control and I.. fucked him.. very roughly..."

"... so instead of standing up and warking away you fucked him!!!"

"yes.. can you forgive me?" America pleaded.

"yeah, sure"

"really??" America asked hopeful. Japan stood up from his seat.

"no, not rearry" Japan said and then kicked one foot on the chair America was sitting on, making it break and America fall to the floor "I don't want anything to do with you so I suggest that you reave me the fuck arone" Japan said while looking at America and smiling. He then walked away.

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