Chapter 63

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The next day.
Prussia was getting ready for the second class of the day. He was going to sit with Norway instead of Canada this time. 'Canada probably won't mind' Prussia thought as he saw Canada approach him.

"Hey Prussia!" Canada greeted.

"hi" Prussia replied.

"I see Norway isn't with you"

"he had to finish somezhing before class started so he's doing zhat right now" Prussia stated.

"do you like Norway?" Canada asked.

"he's pretty cool"

"no, I mean like are you interested in dating him?"

"I don't know! I just met him yesterday.. I zhink he likes me zhough"

"why do you say that?"

"I'm not trying to sound like Poland but he vas, like, totally hitting on me yesterday!"

"...that sounded like Poland.."

"vhatever! I zhink I might like Norway too" Prussia said "I'm getting over Spain so he can just be vith Holland in peace... I could get Spain if I vanted too zhough.. just so jou know!"

"yeah, sure" Canada said sarcasticly. footsteps came from behind Prussia. Prussia turned around and was face to face with Norway.

"Hallo!" Prussia greeted cheerfully.

"hey, what's up?" Norway replied in monotone.

"not much actually, just being awesome as usual. Would you like to sit togezher in class again?"

"sure, that'd be cool" Norway replied.

"but we usually sit together!!" Canada exclaimed.

"Und I vas zhinking if ve could mabye do somezhing after school?" Prussia asked Norway, ignoring Canada.

"i'd like that" Norway replied.

"hey! don't just ignore me!!" Canada said angry. Prussia and Norway just walked away. Canada's eyes widened 'it's like they didn't even notice me..'. Canada walked slowly towards the classroom and entered. He looked around for a seat. The only seat empty was beside Germany. Canada walked towards him.

"is it allright if I sit here?" Canada asked.

"ja, sure" Germany replied without looking up. Canada sat down.

"who usually sits here?" he then asked.

"Itzaly but he's sick today"

"are you guys dating?"

"nein, just friends"

"you're Prussia's brother, right?" Canada asked. Germany looked at Canada.

"ja.. didn't jou know zhat already?"

"yeah.. jusy wanted to be sure"

"Aze jou dating Prussia?"

"no, he seems to be really into Norway now. He was first with me, then he began to obsess over Spain but then came Norway and it's like they're already dating!" Canada said annoyed.

"jou shouldn't hang out vith people like mein bruder, he's the kind of type zhat says he likes jou but zhen a few days later he's hitting on someone else. Jou deserve better"

"thanks" Canada turned back to his books. 'Germany seems like a really nice guy, he's like the opposite of Prussia' Canada smiled to himself. "Germany.." Canada looked at Germany who looked back at him so their eyes met "Is it allright if we would talk more often? Like about just whatever?"

"sure, zhat'd be nice" Germany said and smiled slightly.

After school. Prussia and Norway decided to go to Norway's house. They entered the house.

"Zhis ist kinda veird.." Prussia said quietly.


"ve've known eachozher for a short time but now I'm in jour house und I have a feeling zhat somezhing veird is going to happen.."

"weird? what could possibly get weird?" Norway asked as he walked closer to Prussia who began to back away.

"like zhis, I'm usually zhe von who's makes zhe first move" Prussia said just as he fell backwards on the couch behind him.

"there's a first time for everything" Norway said as he climbed on top of Prussia.

"I'm not sure ve should do zhis!"

"why?" Norway asked as he stared into Prussia's eyes.

"I like jou und all zhat but jou're really freaking me out right now! Jou alvays talk in monotone, jour eyes aze so blank und ve haven't even known eachozher for more zhan von und a half day!!" Prussia said nervous.

"... I seriously thought you were the kind of type that wouldn't mind that but I guess not" Norway said as he went off Prussia.

"Aze jou saying I'm a vussy?!"

"I'm not saying anything but if you want to call yourself that I'm not going to stop you" Norway replied. Prussia started to get annoyed.

"I'm not a vussy"


"I mean it!!"


"I have to go but I vill prove it sooner or later" Prussia said as he stood up "see jou tomorrov" he then walked out of the house. Prussia walked slowly while thinking deeply. 'Am I really a wussy? He seemed pretty confident, so what if I'm horrible at doing it compared to him?? I don't want to end up doing what I did the last time when someone said I wasn't good at it.. Did America really think I wad that bad?'

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