Chapter 83

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It was now Monday. China had gone to Russia's house to then walk to school with him.

"Why are you doing this?" Russia asked after a while of walking.

"Doing what, aru?"

"You are being so nice, I thought you hated me"

"I did, but.. I'm over that"

"Oh, that's nice.. I think" Russia said and smiled. "Has anything with you happened lately?"

"Umm... not really"

"Are you sure?"

"Well there is one thing... but I don't think you'd like to hear it" China then said.

"Just tell me" Russia smiled "I promise I won't be mad"

"Well, uhh, England kissed me and wants to get together" China then said quietly.

"... okay" Russia said still smiling.

"Aren't you a little mad?"

"... not at all.." Russia replied.

"Thank god! I thought you'd be angry because he was trying to get America while you two were together and now he has a thing for me, it's like he goes after guys you've dated" China said and chuckled.

"... da.. it is like that..." Russia said to himself.
Russia and China arrived at school and went straight to class.

"I promised to sit with England, is that okay?" China asked as they entered the classroom.

"Of course, I'll just sit.. somewhere" Russia said as he looked around the room for an empty seat. As people started noticing Russia went the room dead quiet for a moment. Then everyone started whispering to each other as Russia walked to the only empty seat, which was beside America.

"Hi" America greeted with a smile.

"Hello, it's allright if I sit with you, da?"

"Yeah, of course" America said. Russia sat down and looked at America.

"Can I ask you something?" Russia asked.


"Do you still hate me?"



"Why! Do you want me to hate you??"

"Of course not, It just seemed like you really hated me"

"I kinda did but then I thought you were dead and I didn't see any point in being mad at a dead dude" America shrugged "to be honest, I'm not sure why I don't hate you now that you're back"

"Okay.. but how do you feel about me?"

"I'm not really sure" America said but he actually knew exactly how he felt about Russia. He loved him.

"Well, I like you" Russia said and smiled.


"Of course! I used to love you, then I didn't like you but now I like you" Russia said as he smiled.

"..okay.." America said as he stood up "I'm sorry but I have to go"

"But class is starting"

"I know I just have to go for a while" America then walked out of the room. He walked down the hallway and to the nearest bathroom and closed the door behind him. He sat down by the door and held his knees to his chest. 'Why didn't I just tell him?' America thought as he felt tears forming in his eyes. 'What if I tell him and he rejects me?!'. America then heard a door of a stall open. He looked up and saw Prussia walk out. Prussia went to the sink and washed his hands.

"What were you doing in there?" America then asked. Prussia looked at America.



"Because zhis is a bazhroom!!"

"Oh yeah.."

"Vhy aze jou here?"


"About vhat?"

"Rus- I mean nothing"

"Isn't Russia dead?!"

"No, he's alive"

"Oh.. vell zhat's veird.."

"You know what else is weird" America said as he stood up.


"This is the bathroom where you raped me"

"It is?"

"Yes! Did you forget?!"


"Really?" America asked doubtful.

"Vell I see zhe place vhere jou raped me vhenever I valk into mein livingroom!!"

"Oh yeah.. sorry about that"

"I'm sorry too" Prussia apologised.

"So... what now?"

"Ve could.. shake hands??"

"Okay" America said as he raised his hand. Prussia took his hand. They now just stood while holding hands and staring into each others eyes.

"...zhis is really veird" Prussia then said.

"Yeah.. I'm gonna let go now" America let go of Prussia's hand "see ya later dude" America then walked out.

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