Chapter 56

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The next day. Spain lay on his bed awake. He was thinking about the day he married Holland. That was seven months ago and Spain was happy. He turned over to Holland who was sleeping beside him. A small smile formed on Spain's face as Holland began to slowly open his eyes.

"good morning" Spain said quietly.

"good morning" Holland replied as he leaned closer to Spain's face. He then pressed his lips gently against Spain's and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him closer. Spain kissed back as he moved even closer, then forced his tounge into Holland's mouth. Holland was then about to kiss back but the phone started to ring. Spain rolled out of the bed, releasing himself from Holland's arms and went to the phone. He picked it up and answered.

"Sí?" Spain said.

"ja, hallo.. how jou been?" Prussia said on the other end of line.

"Why are you calling me? Where are you?" Spain asked surprised.

"Do jou still hate me?" Prussia asked.

"no, I never hated you! I was just mad but I'm over what happened. Besides I've found someone else" Spain said and smiled to Holland.

"...Really? Vell I guess zhat's understandable. So has anyzhing happened since I left?"

"Yeah, alot actually"

"like vhat?"

"You want to hear it all??"


"well.. Your brother seems pretty lonely but Italy's trying to cheer him up whenever I see them, Canada's still single, Japan and America are together now, Russia.. killed himself and then China began acting strangely and is mad all the time and then got expelled for hitting the principal"

" Russia is dead und China is crazy?" Prussia asked confused.

"He's not really crazy but he has some anger issues"

"so zhat's all zhat happened?"

"Oh, me and Holland got married" Spain said cheerfully.

"so... zhere's no chance for me to get jou back?" Prussia asked with a sad tone. Spain's eyes widened slightly.

"Why would you want that??"

"because after being alone for a vhile I realized vhat stupid zhings I've done und found out who I really vant to be vith. Who I feel like I should be vith"

"and that's me?"


"i'll have to call you back later, adiós" Spain said quickly and then hung up.

"who was that?" Holland asked.

"umm.. no one special" Spain said. "I think I'll go out for a walk" Spain got dressed without saying another word and then walked out. 'if Prussia comes back he might tell Holland what happened between us! I shouldn't have lied about being a vrigin' Spain thought as he grew angry with himself 'how could I be so stupid!! I should just tell Holland!' Spain stopped and looked behind him. Only a few meters from him was his house. 'should I tell him now?' Spain thought as he started walking back to the house. 'it's for the best' Spain opened the door and walked inside.

"That was short" Holland said as he saw Spain close the door behind him.

"oh.. yeah. I need to tell you something"

"tell me what?"

"Remember when you asked if I was a virgin?"

"yes.. why?"

"I.. I lied. I'm not a virgin.." Spain said as he looked down on the floor.

"So.. who was your first?"


"And was he the one who called you earlier?"


"I see.."

"are you mad at me?" Spain asked as tears formed in his eyes. Holland stepped closer to Spain and lifted his chin up with his index finger. As he saw the tears forming in Spain's eyes widened Holland's eyes slightly.

"It's not that important" Holland said reassuringly as he gazed into Spain's eyes "you shouldn't cry"

"are you sure it's okay? I lied to you" Spain replied.

"I know, but I can't be mad at you" Holland said as he leaned closer to Spain and kissed him. There was a knock on the door. Holland groaned as he backed away from Spain and walked to the door.

"never any fucking privacy" Holland mumbled to himself as he opened the door. "yes?"

"uh, hey" was replied. Spain immideatly recognised the voice and hurried to the door.

"What are you doing here Prussia?!!" Spain asked and was getting nervous.

"I.. just vanted to talk to jou, Spain"

"But I told you that you can't be wit-"

"it's allright" Holland cut Spain off. "I'll go so you'll have some privacy" Holland said as he then gave Spain a short but passionate kiss on the lips, shot Prussia a glare and then walked out.

"vell.. he seems nice" Prussia said sarcasticly as he walked inside the house.

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