Chapter 39

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It was saturday evening when Greece finally woke up. He had been sleeping since he came home from school the day before. He stood up and got out of bed and walked to the phone. He dialled Japan's number and waited for him to pick up.

"Hai?" Japan said on the other end of the line.

"Hi Japan. Are you doing something tomorrow?" Greece asked.

"No, why?"

"Because Turkey wants to know if you'll be able to come to his party tomorrow"

"How do you know of this party?"

"He told me yesterday"

"Ok but why doesn't he invite me himserf?" Japan asked curious.

"Because he's kind of stupid" Greece replied casually.

".. ok. I wirr tark to him rater and he can exprain if that's arright with you"

"Sure, that's cool"

"Okay, bye"

"Yeah.. bye" Greece hung up the phone.

Japan put his phone away and walked back to his living room and sat down beside America who was visiting him.

"So, where were we?" Japan asked.

"We were talking about China" America answered.

"Oh yeah, so why do you hate him so much?"

"Because what made Germany do!!" America exclaimed.

"Rook.. I'm not trying to side with anyone but Germany isn't the kind of guy that wourd do something rike that if someone simpry asked him. He must have wanted to do that atreast a rittre"

"I know that! It's just easier to blame it on China" America said and sighed.

"America-san!!!" Japan exclaimed and grabbed America by the shoulders "don't be a baka! Just face the truth rike a proper man wourd do!!"

"Dude.. you're hot when you're angry!" America stated and looked in awe at Japan.

"Cut the crap America and set things straight with Germany or I wirr have to use my katana!!" Japan exclaimed.

"Relax dude! You've really changed. If I had said that like a year ago you would be blushing like crazy"

"Werr I onry do that when someone I have a crush on says things rike that" Japan stated. "Now go". America stood up and walked out the door. He walked towards Germany's house and knocked on the door.

"Ja?" Prussia said as he opened the door.

"Is Germany here?" America asked.

"Nein, he vent out"

"Okay.. is Canada here?" America then asked.

"Ja, vhy?"

"I need to talk to him"

"Okay" Prussia said as he walked inside the house and a short moments later came Canada to the door.

"What?" Canada asked with a smile.

"Hi. How are you?"

"Umm, good.. why?"

"It's just that we used to be so close and stuff but now you're always hanging with Prussia and we barely talk anymore" America said.

"You actually nearly stopped talking to me after you started dating Russia. But now when you're not together anymore I guess you are just lonely and I'm the only one you can hang with because France and England are now dating and nobody wants to be around them anymore because of how close they can get.. it gets really weird sometimes.." Canada replied.

"It's not just that! I want to hang out with you sometime because you're my bro" America stated.

"If you really want to hang out, can we do that tomorrow?" Canada suggested.

"Of course" America agreed and then walked away.

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