The knock up stream

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Cricket: listen up and listen good I've decided to tell you guys everyung I know about the sky island most of this is rumours and heresy so you'll have to make up your own mind, whether you believe it or not

Luffy: hmm I believe it

Ussop: quiet

Cricket: there's something very strange that happens in this part of the ocean everything will suddenly turn black as night right in the middle of the brightest day

Luffy: Hey the same thing happened to us right

Ussop: yeah the sun vanished and then these enormous monsters showed up

Ryo: oh yeah I saw those things on the way here

Cricket: you saw the giants there's a tale about where they come form but you can forget about that for now, now about this sudden nightfall it's caused by the shadow of an incredibly dense cloud

Nami: cumulonimbus clouds but it's too dark clouds

Luffy: yeah it was more of an eclipse clouds on a cloud day are just sort of cloudy

Ryo: just sort of cloudy

Ussop: yeah just sort of cloud

Chopper: yeah cloudy

Cricket: Shut your gobs and listen! These cumuloregalus it forms high in the sky, it has no internal air current and it never turns to rain no light can reach the ground and a sunny after noon turns black as pitched, it's like some giant hand reached up and snuffed out the sun like it was a candle some say the cumuloregalus clouds are floating fossils, petrified clouds that stay in the sky unchanging for thousands for years

Nami: you've got to be kidding us a petrified cloud that drifts around for centuries

Cricket: hey I'm just telling you what people told me whether you believe it or not, it is entirely up to you

Luffy: a mystery cloud

Cricket: yeah that sums it up about as well as everything else

Chopper: this is so awesome

Cricket: yous ee there's only one place this sky island could be if it's real and that's on top of one of those clouds

Luffy: well let's go we are on our way up to the clouds come everyone let's go zoro wake up

Nami beats them up

Cricket then explains the knock up stream and explains that it is going to be really dangerous and there's a lot of explanations but only one that makes  any sense deep below the oceans there are learned cavities filled with air

Water seeps into then

The water is turned into steam

Pressure builds

And boom 

It sends it right into the sky

And the whole thing lasts for one minute

Cricket: so all in all if you need to be very lucky and if you aren't you'll come crashing down back into the ocean and get turned into fish food

Ussop: ok so we're gonna forget about sky island right.'luffy just laughs', because it's nuts luffy you'll to be luckier than mr lucky mc luck on lucky day to  pull of stunt like that

Luffy: it'll be ok let's go

Ussop: naturally, but think about it for a second and what about the poor going merry did you even consider the shapes she's in all the damage she's had to suffer through there's no way she can make a trip like this

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