The Navigator's greif

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Jinbei is of course incredibly shocked by the revelation

Hatchi gets up very slowly

Hatchi: he's right we caused her so much grief it was horrible and all the apologising in the world won't change a thing

Meanwhile Nami hasn't said anything

Jinbei: I'm sorry you had a truly horrific experience

Sanji: that's right and she has you to thank!

Nami: it was a nightmare nothing will ever make me change the way o feel about arlong that said until two years ago I had no idea that even the strongest of fishmen where routinely persecuted by humans when camie was kidnapped and we tried to save her I couldn't believe what I saw there was sabaody park, this spiting image of arlong park before it was destroyed

Hatchi: we wanted a place all our own I'm not saying this to make you forgive any of us but it's true, oh Nami he really hated human too much he's we went to far but for as long as I could remember we yearned for the world that the humans lived in above the sea, arlong, me all of us

Ryo: I guess I should apologise too

Luffy: huh why Ryo

Ryo: back when I sailing through the east blue I heard about a fishman called arlong terrorising the sea but back then I was different i had heard that the celestial dragon who kept me captive was going to his other home so I went to hunt him down, if I wasn't so blinded by revenge and anger I could've stormed in and destroyed arlong

Nami: No Ryo you have no reason to apologise after all its not like you would have any reason to help us anyway we all know what you went through and feeling the way you did was completely understandable

Ryo: thank you Nami I really wish I could've helped you back them though

Hatchi: I heard my people weren't considered anything more than fish way back when I imagine that's how you where treated Ryo

Ryo: yeah the name mutt comes to mind

Hatchi: exactly, 200 years ago the Ryugu kingdom become a member of the world government  they established friendly relations with humans and their king was even allowed to participate in the world summit but despite that humans still had hate in their hearts

Ryo: No matter what happens humans will never change

Den describes that the great pirate era was a living hell for all fishmen and merfolk

Jinbei: then came that fateful day Whitebeard arrived, he made his powerful presence known and claimed fishman island as his own then Becuase of him peace returned returned to our home, however humans continued to be prejudice towards fishmen all of you saw this first hand at the sabaody archipelago of course we aren't the only species too be treated this way

Ryo nods remembering his torture: When someone attains power they tend to be resistant too change, even though the government supposedly bridged the gap between fishmen and humans the real problems where the ones in control to begin with the ones who should be leading by example

Jinbei: couldn't of put it better thus the relationship between fishmen and humans remains the same thankfully two individuals rose up on fishman island individuals who would help change the course of our beleaguered history the first was queen otohime, she believed we islanders could live in harmony with humans she was princess shirahoshi's mother and then there was him the legendary hero named fisher tiger who freed countless slaves

Ryo: Too think if things where different I could've been rescued by him

Jinbei: yes that's true, So to set himself apart from the humans he invaded the holy land of mariejois by himself and freed the slaves within he went in to form the sun pirates all the members where fishmen who where formally slaves of the nobles

Sanji: sun pirates

Jinbei: indeed you know them as, Arlong, Hatchi and myself the three of us where part of very first crew of the sun pirates, but we where known as fishman pirates foes of the world government that's all that they saw therefore we made it that much more difficult for queen otohime bless her heart our existence prevented much progress, queen otohime was trying to navigate great hardships and improve our future at the same time fisher tiger through his future away to save those of his race who where suffering as slaves no-one could say who was right or wrong nevertheless they both fought for a better future for fishman and humans each one is a legend and both of their tales end in tragedy

Jinbei tells them a story about otohime and fishertiger

He goes in too detail about everything that otohime and fisher tiger

How fisher tiger was a slave and how he died

When they saved koala

And finally when otohime met her tragic end and everything that happened after

Jinbei: in the decade that followed the remaining members of the royal family rarely lead the palace but chose to speak to their nation through their monitors instead and all the while the signatures slowly replenished their yiu have it that's how we've spent the last fifteen years fighting against discrimination and that's how the fishman pirates where formed and divided, there's no denying the awful things arlong did to your home but still at one time he was like a brother too me 'Ryo and luffy exchange looks' when we received of his violent actions we took it upon ourselves to stop him but he always managed to dodge any real consequence he hid his actions from the navy by bribing any soldiers that he came across I let him live and in failing to stop him I too share the guilt for his crimes and that's why though it pains me it's my fault

Jinbei bows on his knees

Snaji: oh yeah if you're so sorry kill yourself

Everyone but luffy, Nami and Ryo gasp

Sanji: take responsibility, pay with your life for the suffering that you caused her give her peace

Nami: that's enough Sanji!

Sanji: what  are you serious Nami how could you excuse the things they did too you

Nami: I'll never forgive what arlong did but Jinbei he never meant for anyone to get hurt

Sanji: wait are you sure?

Jinbei: I will accept any punishment if you wish for me to take my own life-

Nami: drop it, look it's ok the only one I hate is arlong believe me I'm relieved too her you're not the mastermind of the arlong pirates and you're a friend of Luffy and Ryo which tells me plenty about you, the arlong pirates made my life a living hell if it wasn't for that nightmare I never would've met my friends that awful time made me who I am, I can't hate you just because you're a fishman so you, you don't get to pity me just because of past I'm fine with my past because I'm happy in the present

Ryo: yeah I can relate to that if I was never a slave, I never would've met my dad and then I never would've met Luffy gotta say I feel pretty great in the present

Jinbei crying: I don't deserve to be treated so kindly you have my gratitude!

Franky starts crying a lot too and yelling

Luffy then falls too the gerund and falls asleep


Sanji: moron wake up!

Luffy wakes up: Jinbei are you crying

Jinbei: What! of course I'm not crying

Ryo: yeah you are

Luffy: what did I miss

Jinbei: oh come off it already it's nothing alright

Luffy: sure whatever

Turns out luffy fell asleep at that start of the story

Then a giant transponder snail come over and displayed hordy on the monitor

And that's a wrap

Sorry that ending was weak but whatever it's done I can move onto the best part of this arc

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