The white sea!

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The strawhats are blasted into the sky and then they are all exhausted and seem to have trouble breathing

Luffy: Hey guys look out there what is that

Luffy: Hey guys look out there what is that

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Sanji: what in the world!

Ryo: Wow!

Luffy: it's so white!

Chopper: there clouds

Nami: but how, why aren't we falling

Luffy: clouds float, boats float same thing

Chopper, Sanji, zoro: no it's not!

Ryo: pfft haha

Chopper: Aah! Oh no Ussops not breathing

Luffy: someone do something mouth to mouth

Sanji: Right I'll do mouth to mouth on Nami

Zoro: moron

Ryo: uhh.what's up with Sanji

Zoro: he's a perverted cook that's all you need to know

Ryo: oh ok so he's an idiot,

Zoro: pretty much what I just said

Ryo: by the way I've got this!



Ussop: AAAH!

Ryo zaps Ussop and Ussop goes flying into the air

Ryo: see that worked

Chopper and luffy: HE'S ALIVE

Ussop lands with a thud: I am

Ryo: glad you're awake thought we lost you there

Ussop suddenly gets mad: DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT AGAIN

Ryo: what did I do

Ussop: You zapped my with electricity what do you think!

Ryo: but it saved you didn't it


Nami: basically it's an ocean in the sky

Ussop: no way seriously

Nami: but look the log pose is still pointing up

Robin: that means we are somewhere in the cumuloregalus cloud

Chopper: wait so we have to travel even higher

Robin: that's what the log pose says

Sanji: did I hear you two call me an idiot and a moron

Ryo: maybe you did

Zoro: and maybe you didn't who can tell

Ussop: Alright here we go cloud ocean swimming champ Ussop! Hahahaha

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