The back to the water dance

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A big guy named rolling Logan takes out a small guy

Rebbeca keeps knocking more opponents into the water as the crowed continues too Boo her she looks unsure for a second before gripping her sword and raking down another opponent

She disarms her opponent slamming them to the ground and then when they get back up all it takes is one kick and they are in the water

This is the back to the water dance

Taking advantage of her enemies momentum she lures them to the edge of the ring and stands with her back to the water finally she dodges her opponents advances with lightning speed causing them to barrel right into the water

And despite fighting in countless battles she has never wounded an opponent in a match and also never once been wounded

She's won every fight by making her foes fall off the side

Ryo: (Awesome but she's sweating like crazy)

Barto continues to walk around and ends up talking to zoro

The reason he hasn't been put underground is because he's actually being stealthy for once

He just keeps walking around and anytime someone sees him he just keeps on walking daring them to try take him

The brothers keep watching the fight

Rolling Logan makes the crowd cheer to completely and utterly destroy Rebecca, crushing her arms and legs, her spine and even her whole body

This gets the brothers angry

Luffy: Grrr these jerks are pissing me off! What is their deal!

Ryo: Seriously this is messed up

Prisoner: like I told you there's exactly any love lost between them and our last king

Ryo: tch what's that got to do with her, sure he sucked but nothing is wrong with her

Prisoner: none of us disagree with you, Rebecca came to me when I was injured and knocking at deaths door, she visited me everyday and refused to let me give up, I'm not the only one she was there for everyone of us but all the people on the outside they refuse to forget what happened that night part of me understands why

Luffy: Sounds like it's a sad story

Prisoner: yeah and it's a long one too

Luffy: never mind then

Prisoner: are you kidding me!?

Luffy: you can win this Rebecca!

Ryo: Yeah give it your all!

Rolling Logan continues to try and grab Rebecca but she just keeps dodging

Logan is able to follow her anywhere she tries to run

She's now backed into a corner

Then a guy tries to attack Logan but the big guy just grabs him and crushes his ribs

Rebecca takes advantage and runs for it

Rolling Logan follows her mowing down anybody in his way

Unfortunately she gets hit by someone who was on fire and she dropped her sword and when she went to grab it

Rolling Logan stepped on it and is now towering over her

She is totally defenceless

She starts dodging but eventually she's grabbed by the cape and slammed to the ground

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