Panic at the auction house

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Luffy and Ryo have just finished sending the celestial dragon flying

He is now a bloody mess on the floor

Everyone looks shocked or horrified

Luffy puts his hat back on

Ryo tightens his scarf

They crack their knuckles

He makes eye contact with Kidd again and he sees a wide smirk on his face

Luffy: Sorry everybody now We've hit this guy there's going to be a navy admiral coming here with a warship

Zoro: I'm just pissed I didn't get too cut him down, you two beat me too it

Ryo: you can get the next one

Nami: Hatchi hang in there

Hatchi: do you know how much trouble you guys are in now

Nami: oh that's just luffy, what can you do

Sanji: nothing

Ryo: Nope nothing at all 'he lights sanji's cigarette'

Franky: well that's that I guess we're fighting

Chopper: first off we gotta get the key to camie's collar it's probably back there in the mean time I'll tend to Hatchi's wounds

Celestial dragon: You scum! How dare you raise a hand too my son and then kick him as well!

Ryo: Huh! That sounds awfully hypocritical to me!

Celestial dragon: Why you!

He goes too shoot but Ryo is in front of him and pulls a Hagrid and bends the gun causing it too shoot upwards

Celestial dragon: How dare you! How righteous bloodline is directly descended from the creators of this world! You will pay for your dissidents

He pulls out another gun and points it right in Ryo's face

Then in flash of black and blonde

Sanji kicks the Celestial dragon's gun out of his land and strikes him

Sanji: No-one gives a damn who you are related too!

The guards attack them

The two then fight them off together

Sanji: Hey get a move in franky! Free camie

Franky: I'm on it just leave it too me

Even more guards attack them

But the Strawhats take them down with all most no effort

And they just don't stop

Celestial dragon: you insist on defying us until the very end why can't you just accept your fate

Luffy: Back down! Our friend isn't for sale!

The Celestial dragon calls the navy admiral and the warship

Ryo: Damn these guys just don't wanna stop!

Luffy: Yeah they just keep on coming

Snaji: No kidding I'm going to need a cobbler after this


A flying sword attack flies over them and slices camie's bowl

Luffy, Ryo and Sanji: Are you trying too kill us!?

Zoro: Calm down I told you too duck didn't I

All: Talk louder!

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