Back to the blue sea

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The crew are running

Ryo and Robin are laughing

Ussop: Sanji! Do we lose em

Sanji: looks like they gave up I don't see anyone

Ussop: Really! That's to be honest their giant cannon really scared me where where they hiding that thing and why didn't they use it against eneru

Robin: Their Cannon!

Ryo: yeah what are you talking about

Ussop: you know that huge thing those warriors where carrying towards us didn't you two see it

Ryo and Robin crack a smile: Oh you mean that thing!

They both laugh while

Ussop and chopper are frantic

They see Nami and conis

Sanji gets hit by a branch

They keep running

Robin: are you ok

Sanji: oh yeah!

Ryo: Hahahaha

They get back too the ship

Ryo is back on his hammock

Conis: Ok we are almost there!

Look everyone that's cloud end

Look everyone that's cloud end

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Ryo gets down and sees it

Ryo: Heh

Luffy: so that's where we go down from

Ussop: we got here sooner than I thought

Luffy: aww do we really have to go back already

Sanji: it sounds crazy but I'm actually gonna miss this place

Ryo: yeah gotta agree with you there

Zoro: I thinks it's time we saw goodbye to the White Sea

Chopper: sky island sure is fun, it's scary too

Ussop: so go through that gate and they'll be a mildly road that'll take us too the blue sea

Nami: wonder if we'll ever visit this place again

Ussop: well you never know

Ryo jumps down and goes next to Robin

Ryo: you gotta tell me what you spent so long looking at

Robin: oh you interested in history are you Ryo

Ryo: Heh I love a good mystery Hey! To most people my existence is a mystery so I just love to here one

Robin: ok then well once we get back to the blue sea I'll tell ya all about it

Ryo: sure thing!

They see a pagaya and conis running by the ship

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