The sea train and Water 7

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They hear bells and the sound of puffing smoke

And they turn and see a huge metal thing coming right at them

So naturally their first instinct is too get the hell away from it

They just about dodge it

Luffy: That was close

Ussop: thank hunk of metal is trying to kill us

Chopper: is it a ship?

Nami: no way that big and heavy shouldn't even be able to float

The frog faces down the train and roars but is blown away

Luffy: Oh no froggy!

The crew is left shocked

They then hear someone scream

?: Grany granny look we have pirates

Then an old drunk woman

Old woman: is is that true chimney? In that case, you better bring granny that transponder snail.

Zoro: it's going to be a big pain if they come for help and the marine show up
What should we do?

Chimney: here it is granny

Granny?: um hello who is this sorry you got the wrong number

Ussop: she's totally drunk!

Ryo: oh so that's what that smell is

Chopper: oh yeah

They seem to have made friends with the old woman and her granddaughter

?; oh paille this stuff goes good with booze

Chimney: mmm yummy my name is chimney that's our kitty cat Gombei and that's granny kokoro

Kokoro: you husband happened to be train robbers with you? Hahaha

Luffy: my name is luffy and I'm going to be king of the pirates

Chimney: really?

Luffy: yup

Kokoro: hahaha I like you you're funny

Nami: by the way chimney that things a steamboat right seems awfully long too me can't imagine it getting very far

Chimney then explains that it's a sea train called the puffing Tom and that bell sound they heard was a warning but they couldn't figure it out

Luffy: and if we Couldn't figure it out then that frog sure wouldn't get it would he it was awfully rude for you too hit him like that we where going to catch him and cooo him you know

Chimney: oh you saw the frog that's Yokozuna

Ryo: he was pretty awesome, a great swimmer too be sure

Chimney: oh I wouldn't worry about him he's pretty tough in fact, that wasn't the first time he's done with the training last he's really kind of pain if you want too see him again just wait around here I'm sure he'll pop up

Luffy: that's why he didn't run wow I thought that frog was stupid but turns out he was just being super manly

Chimney: easy for you too say you don't have to put up with him all the time I can't even count the amount of time he's broken the rail gourds I,shine what it's like do the passengers when he slams into the train!

Luffy: wow I had no idea since that frog is a fighter like me I'm not going to eat him after all

Kokoro: anyway, after this, where are you folks, heading off to the sea train goes to all sorts of places,

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