Capture and Rescue

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The gang have just left

Ryo: So they are looking for dad

Shakky: yes

Ryo: do you think they'll be able to find him

Shakky: who knows, So can you tell me why you are so injured

Ryo: well that happened when we defeated gecko Moria

Shakky: Huh..

Ryo smirks and coughs a little: I'll tell you everything

Shakky: wow,,so it seems my little son went too the new world and found a strong woman to share his life with

Ryo blushes: it's amazing that is what you are focusing on

Shakky: well when I heard my son is in love with a child of an emperor I get interested

Ryo: ugh I'm just glad her last name isn't Charlotte

Shakky nods: so what happened then

Ryo: after that I left with ace and promised too return when I was stronger,

Shakky: Ace that's your older brother right

Ryo: Yup, travelled around with him for a while then after about 6 months with the whitebeard pirates I turned 19 so I went to go and meet up with luffy and then we did all sorts of other crazy adventures up until recently as for now I got these injuries well

He explains when nothing happened

Shakky: oh and you're saying you don't want him to know

Ryo: no..if he heard I'd almost died for his sake well in any case it's not important anymore, we are all alive

Shakky: yes you've become very strong

She strokes Ryo's hair and he purrs

Shakky: that's still adorable

Ryo blushes

That's when they get a call

Shakky: weird people never call this place

Ryo picks it up

Ryo: Hey

Chopper crying: Ryo! It's terrible! just terrible!

Ryo: Chopper what is it?

Chopper: We got ice cream and we got so caught up we made a mistake!

Ryo: Chopper..what happened!

Chopper: it's Camie, Camies BEEN KIDNAPPED

Ryo crackles with electricity: What did you just say

Chopper: I think it was a bunch of kidnappers working together, people here kidnap and sell merfolk and fishmen whoever they can profit off of, camie is going to be a slave forever

Ryo: and mermaids are worth a lot, Chopper I want you too listen to me every carefully

Chopper sniffles: yeah

Ryo: this is not your fault ok, what I want you too do is call the sunny let the rest of the crew know the more people we have to search the better, you did nothing wrong chopper you got that

Chopper sniffles again: ok

Ryo: that's good Sanji is on the ship right now, put your trust in him as for me
I'm going to look for Camie!

Chopper: But,.but you where a slave once too what if they get you

Ryo: they caught me when I was a kid, I'm strong now, there's no way they are getting their hands on me got it, now call uo the ship and do whatever they tell you to do ok

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