The one that stands at the top

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The strongest pirate in the world continues to be an unstoppable threat

Luffy: that old man's tough he got stabbed and he's still at it

Ryo: well of course he's the worlds strongest pirate he wouldn't die just by getting stabbed

Luffy: Anyway we've got to get serious and save ace!

Ryo nods: Right! We can't stop now

Luffy: yeah

They both just keep running closely followed by Jinbei and Ivankov

The ground then starts tilting and luffy falls over Ryo stays standing but just barley

They see the power of Whitebeard

Not only has the island started tilting

But so has the sea

Luffy: this can't be real

Ryo: this is the power of the man who stands at the top, he's a natural disaster in the form of a human

The ice that was holding Ryo and luffy then cracks and they fall down

Ryo: Luna dance!

'Ryo manages to fly and then looks down and sees kuffy'

Ryo: grab my hand 'luffy stretches and grabs it' Good I've got you

Luffy: thank you

Ryo: no problem now let's fly

Ryo and luffy land on ice again

Ryo falls too his knees tired

Luffy: r..ryo

Ryo: I'm fine just winded that takes a lot of energy

Luffy: is that crazy old man trying to get his crew killed

Jinbei: No! His crew was ready they are used too this kind of thing

Ryo: that's an understatement

Whitebeard has caused unbelievable damage too marineford

Ryo: alright we are wasting time just talking we gotta go

That's when he sees a massive shockwave heading right for the scaffold where ace was waiting

But when the dust clears

The three admirals had blocked it

Ryo: those guys are monsters too

Luffy can't say anything but just nods

Ryo: anyway we've gotta keep moving

Luffy: Right! Almost there Ace!

Ryo and luffy stop for a second before blasting off using thier respective powers



That's when walls form around the whole plaza and then the cannons lock on them

Luffy: what is this?

Ryo: I don't know

The wall's are raised everywhere but one place

Ryo: Oars jr. I knew I liked you

Luffy: huh did you say oars

Ryo: yeah that big monster giant he was the a commander of the Whitebeard pirates but it seemed he fell in battle but right now he's the only thing giving us a chance to rescue ace

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