The grand fleet

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Luffy and Ryo are sent flying when Hajrudin catches the,

They squirm

Luffy: Hey! Put me down!

Ryo: Yeah let go of me you giant dumbass!

Cavendish: Take them too the ship

Hajrudin carries them off while running along a man made bridge

Luffy: Hey! I'm not done fighting the old guy yet let me go!

Ryo on the other hand has fallen asleep

Luffy: Ryo! Why are you asleep!

Ryo just sleeps ignoring luffy

But he's woken up when suddenly the sun goes away and sees a huge amount of rubble and debris hovering over them

Ryo: (hmm well that's a problem, ehh it'll work itself out)

The big ball of rubble suddenly explodes  and now it's turned into a line that's hovering over every single ship that's making the bridge they are walking on

Ryo: (ok maybe this could be a problem)

But then it stops falling

Ryo: (Huh?)

They see the townspeople running onto the bridge

Hajrudin let's luffy and Ryo go

They hop onto his shoulders

Luffy: What's everybody yelling about

Ryo: uhh no idea (they are saying angry things but they are smiling)

Ryo can't help but smile finally understanding what's happening

Ryo: (I don't like being called a hero but I'm fine with this)

Ryo gives them a small wave

They get to massive ship

Barto: Check! This out

Everyone: Lh man it's huge

It's a gargantuan pirate ship

The yontamaria, the flagship of the yontamaria fleet

Barto: Ok we better get aboard before the sky falls on us or whatever, I'll show you my ship later you're gonna flip out!

Luffy and Ussop: It's like a castle!

Hajrudin: Strawhat! Dragonkiller, u have four friends who are giant mercenaries like me, I want to reach out too all the other giant tribes and for a crew then we'll shake the foundations of this world just like the famous giant pirates did in the past

Ussop: Remember that was master dory and broggy's crew back in their glory days

Luffy: Oh that's cool, he'll be a good rival then well I can't wait too see your crew when it's done

Ryo: wait! You guys met dory and broggy!

Ussop: Wait you know them!

Ryo: Hell yeah I do! I went to little guardian when I was first starting out before I met up with ace, I stayed there for about a week it was fun! Like the good old days back in Goa

Luffy: aww awesome wish I could've been there

Ussop: That's awesome, I can't wait too see elbaf again

Orlumbus: my yontamaria fleet is at your call our forces number 56 ships you know shouod come in handy

Robin: is that so?

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