The collesium

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The man explains how devil fruits work when the user died

Ryo: I don't care I don't have a devil fruit so I'm eating it any objections

Luffy: None here

Franky: nope I'm good the way I am

Luffy: No-one else is getting their hands on it we'll make sure of that

Ryo: Absolutely

Franky: it's like a memento of him huh there's a very high chance this could be a trap especially the way dolfamingo taunted you with it but there is one thing I'm sure of, you can't let a chance like this slip by and besides we've got business in the colosseum so let's make an appearance

The brothers nod and run off

They show up

Franky: looks like the place

Luffy: Wow that Colosseum is huge!

Franky: must be quite a show, the crowd is going nuts makes me kind of want o sign up for the competitive

Luffy: wow listen too all that

They see two men shooting at a one legged end toy soldier

Then the toy gets his foot into the Coliseum, which is outside of the police's and the Navy's jurisdiction

They then get notified that entries from the public are closing

So luffy and Ryo walk over

Franky: Alright you two fight however you want but don't let them know who you are

Ryo: got it

Luffy: right I'm undercover

Girl: sign your name

Luffy: Lu

Franky hits him: what did I just say!

Ryo enters the name Kurama

Luffy: Hey Ryo where did the name Kurama come form

Ryo: I just thought it sounded cool

They get too the waiting room for competitors

Ryo doing his usual thing finds a quiet corner and chills out that's when a guy walks up to him holding a massive sword

Ryo opens one eye: what do you want

Guy: oh you're name is Kurama then nice name don't you think you're a little too small to be entering this tournament

Ryo: there's no height requirement right? I don't see the problem

Guy: well then be prepared too be taken down by Big sword Akira

Ryo: You compensating for something?

Akira gets very mad and he unsheathes his sword and swings it down

Other competitor: oh crap that guy is dead!

But Ryo just catches it the blade

Akira: What!

Ryo: Buzz off

He crushes the sword with his bare hands then jumps up and knees the the guy in the jaw making him fall too the ground p

Ryo then sits back down and rests his head against the wall

Ryo: (there's a lot of people here from around the new world

Ryo gets a thing and turns out he's in block

Ryo: well this'll be interesting

Ryo is then in the weapons room

Ryo: ehh I don't really need anything

He then sits against a wall again and hears a weird blonde man talking

Ryo: (what was his name cabbage no Cavendish)

He then got angry

Cavendish: but then a single freaking year later all anyone wanted to talk about was that stupid war in marineford, Whitebeard took the spotlight from me then Strawhat luffy and dragon killer Ryo stepped into it right next to him and on top of that a deluge of new rookies kept pouring in and earning themselves the title of the worst generation and Abducting the public's imagination, the journeys practically forgot that I existed and that's why I'm going to kill them these unworthy usurpers

Luffy: I think you've got other problems too work on too

Ryo: your arrogance one for one 

Cavendish: Grr say what you like, to recapture the public adoration I desire I will do whatever it takes and kill every rookie their is, 'he then gets calm again' the first step is winning todays press the flame flame fruit

But the brothers weren't listening

Guy: You are both qualified

Ryo: nice

Luffy: awesome!

Cavendish: No-one will ever ignore me again after I have won this!

Ryo: (that guys got some serious issues)

They are looking up at a big statue of a guy named kyros

Ryo: Hey this guy looks like you luffy

Luffy: yeah looks like I ended up wearing the same costume as this old guy

?: are you interested in him

Luffy: Huh, who are you l

Rebecca: I'm Rebecca a gladiator here, you two made fools of Spartan and akira I hate those guys so thank you

Luffy: ehh they where asking for it

Ryo: couldn't agree more

Rebecca: this statue before you this man was a legend

Kryos was the greatest gladiator in the history of the coliseum he fought 3000 battles and claimed 3000 victories the only wound he ever suffered in battle was a single slash, he was still fighting here until 20 years ago

Rebbeca: even so he is unknown too this country no-one remembers a thing

Luffy: huh what do you mean?

Rebecca: none of the elders, or even the gladiators no one recalls having met him, it's the most mysterious statue in dressrosa in might not exist for all we know someone could've just made him up on top of that who knows how long this statue has been here all we know of the man is what someone engraved here, even though we don't know who he is no-one wants to remove the statue another mystery

Luffy: yeah that's some pretty weird stuff

Ryo: absolutely but gotta admit it does look cool

Luffy: yeah and super manly too

Rebecca smiles: yeah I like it too

Some guys come along and insult Rebecca and the brothers notice everyone looking at her

Then there's a man named mr store in block A whose an absolute monster

He wins without even trying

He takes his mask off and it's revealed to be

Jesus Burgess

Then a certain man shows up

A man that's known for laughing

And that's a wrap

Alright I'm gonna stop there so I can make the next chapter better

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