The festival before the hunt

588 17 13

Ooh 4 chapters in one day you guys should consider yourself lucky

Ryo is gathering food he stands on a river and then 5 sky sharks come for him and he runs back to shore and they all jump at him

Ryo: Thunderclap and flash

Instant the sky sharks are diced up

Ryo puts them all in a bag and walks back to camp

Ryo: Hey Sanji! Got a ton of diced shark meat ready for the stew!

Sanji: Awesome! Put it down over there

Ryo dumps it and goes to relax in a tree

He hears that they've got Vegetables, frogs and rats

Then a massive salt crystal

Zoro them has to use his sword to help cook

Ussop is about to swim over to repair ship but zoro asks what about tje sky sharks and Ussop immediately goes to eat

Ryo chuckles at this crews antics

Ryo: (I sure joined an amazing crew)

Sanji: Hey Ryo! Soups on!

Ryo: on my way

Ryo flips down from the tree

And grabs a bowl of stew

Ryo: Ahh this is delicious I have too say my little bro has got good taste when it comes to chefs

Sanji: oh well thanks Ryo I'll have you know I'm the best darn chef you'll ever see

Ryo: oh I've met other good ones (he thinks of a certain amazing man with a pompadour)

'Quick break I'm going with the theory that ace has been hunting black beard for about a month or two considering the scene where he's showing whitebeard luffy's bounty poster so an unfortunate thing I'll have to write eventually is Ryo learning that thatch is dead because he currently does not know and as for Ryo not reacting too seeing black beard back in mock town well let's just say he either didn't recognise him or he was too focused on meeting luffy again ok now that's done let's get back to the story'

Sanji: well I guess I'll have to surpass him then!

Ryo: I looo forward too it

Nami: Anyway let's review nolands book first he discovered the city of gold 400 years ago however after leaving the island and returning with his king he found the the city of gold had vanished luckily we now know what happened to these ruins

Sanji hits luffy

Nami: the point I was getting at the city of gold did not sink into the clean but was shut up into the sky by the knock up stream just as we where

Ryo: Wait so would the knock up stream have moved or was the island just that big

Nami: either one is possible but I'm going with the fact of how the knock up stream was in a different location then the one we took remember cricket did say each time a knock up streaam occurs it's in a different location

Ryo: oh ok then

Ussop: I'm not surprised it lifted an island

Zoro: it's just..hard to believe that the forest we are sitting in is the same one we saw back on jaya

Robin: I believe that has something to do with the odd composition of the islands clouds up here look at all the trees, fish and wildlife something hosu this environment dramatically increase growth rates which explains how a society here could've been swallowed up by these burgeoning forces

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