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Luffy and Ryo bid goodbye too Rayleigh and head out

Rayleigh gives them a goodluck and remembers their training and all the time he spent while Ryo was growing up

Rayleigh: Let nothing stop you from reaching the top!

Rayleigh stands in the way of the marines

They somehow let the marines get head of them

But they quickly become depressed by the one and only ghost girl persona

Ryo: ugh really

Sanji: yeah this sure seems familiar

Sanji pervs

Persona and Zoro argue

They are told to keep running due to Navy ships

They then see a massive bird and a familiar reindeer

Chopper: I finally found you guys!

Ryo launches up and jumps onto the bird

They fly off and eventually see the sunny

Luffy: Hey! Guys! Hey!

Chopper: told ya I would find them!

The whole crew run over

Ussop: Luffy, Ryo, Zoro, Sanji

Nami: Hey!

Robin laughs

Brook: together again I've been waiting for this day

Franky: and everyone looks stronger I like it!

Ussop: it feels like it's been forever

Sanji: looks like we are the las-

Ryo: yeah looks like we are the last ones here

Sanji sees Nami and Robin, then,flies off the bird with a massive nosebleed

Chopper: Sanji!

Ryo: Well he hasn't changed

Ryo gets up and falls off the bird before swerving in mid air

Ryo: Luna Lunge

He launches himself after Sanji

then catches him

Ryo: Now Luna dance!

He flies him back too the ship and drops him down

Choppers bird friend flies off

Chopper: how is he has the bleeding stopped yet

Ryo: uhh not quite

Ussop: it's not good chopper he's getting paler by the second

Luffy freaks out over franky and chances his hairstyle

Ryo lands next too Robin

Ryo: Sup Robin it's been a long time

Robin: it certainly has, you must tell me about everything you learned while training

Ryo: oh I will trust me

They get canonballs fired at them but Hancock stops them

Robin: huh that flag it can't be

Nami: you know it?

Robin: that's the kuja symbol they are a strong crew of Amazonians is led by one of the seven warlords

Ussop: you are joking right 

Robin: not at all they say anyone who lays eyes on her will be enamoured by her beauty and turned to stone unless she grants you mercy

The Kitsune's destiny, One piece x male oc Where stories live. Discover now