The true power of Casear

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Luffy has Caesar grabbed

Ceasar: Ahh let go you fool

Luffy: Nu uh

Ryo: Do you really think we'd listen too you

Ryo is just casually flying with Luna dance

Ryo: (this guy's bounty is higher than most of our crew so how strong can he be)

Ceasar: don't get cocky you brats!

Luffy: armament hardening!, Gum Gum! Bell!

Ceasar dodges; gas robe!

He fires out a blast of gas that catches Ryo off guard

Ryo: Argh!

Luffy: Ryo!

Franky: Ryo! Hold your breath that's poison gas

Ceasar: now for you!

This time he hits luffy dead on

Franky: Hold your breath as well luffy!

Ryo tries to break out and keeps holding his breath

Ryo then see luffy inhaling it

Ryo: Guess I better do the same

He breathes in sucking all the gas into his lunges

Before closing his mouth expelling it through his ears and noise

Luffy: Neat I guess poison doesn't bother me too much anymore

Ryo: Huh yeah me neither

Luffy: huh really? I guess we where both poisoned by Magellan

Ryo: yeah that has too be it

Caesar: Magellan the prison gaurd with the paramecia powers my poison potency makes his look puny!

Luffy: Now gum gum! Jet mace!

He unleashes a huge axe kick slamming Caesar to the ground


He slams his leg right down into Caesar!

He jumps back up to join luffy

Luffy: you think that did it

Ryo: no it's never that easy

Ceasar gets back up looking angry now calling all the people there maggots

Caesar: mock my poison will you, you shouldn't mock my gas gas powers I'll put you in your place

He opens a case

Ryo: Let's go!

Luffy: Yeah!




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