Bond of brothers!

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The guys on the ship are partying

Ryo is just siting on a part of the ship too just relax and wait

Ryo: (Seven years of my life, Not to mention bon clay and whoever else lost their lives on the way out, Also we where separated from our whole crew as well dammit is this fat designed too torture us)

He hears Galdino talking

Galdino: You know he wasn't such a pain in the butt after all

Luffy: He was such a good guy he got caught saving us

Ryo: He never gave up he always knew we could escape gotta love the guy for that even in the pits of hell his hope never wavered

Luffy: yeah he was sure strong

A whole lot of people are crying

Buggy drunk: Hey come on guys it's sad but you can't waste your whole lives mourning he was great by now he's dead and flays the way it is so all we can do is party that's what he would want! so there you go it could double as a fun-

Ryo has him by the throat

Ryo: Shut it! Big nosed buffoon or I'll make you wish you where never born

Ryo sends electricity through buggy

Buggy: AHHH! Stop it! Ahh

Ryo: Huh! You want more!

Ryo turns up the voltage

Buggy: Stop it!

Ryo: Mot on your life I've been wanting someone to take my frustration out on and you seem like the perfect candidate

Buggy: Ahhh!

He then drops buggy causing him too fall too his knees only for luffy to punch the clown in the face sending him down the stairs

Luffy: Hey for all we know there's a chance Bon didn't even get killed, you big nose

Buggy: Hey what did you two just call me

Brothers: big nose!

Luffy: you got a big stupid nose, to go along with you big stupid face

They then start fighting childishly

Luffy just punched buggy again

Ryo then flies up too the crows nest and relaxes letting the wind blow through his hair

He hears the big nosed buffoon screaming about gong to navy headquarters

Ryo: (So we are going to fight in a war, the real fight is going to start now all of that was just a warm up, What makes it worse is I don't know how long this energy hormone is going to last can't be too much longer I need it make sure I get as much rest as possible)

He then hears the sound of a transponder snail

He then hears luffy answering it

He then says his real name

They know the ship has been stolen by escapees

They know who the wring leaders are

Strawhat Luffy and Buggy the Clown

They reveal that buggy was a crew member on Gold roger's ship

Ryo: (still calling him Gold Roger then huh I guess having a D in your name doesn't really make a whole lotta sense)

All of the idiot prisoners scream about how amazing buggy is

Apparently he is also an ally with Shanks

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