The Rumour and running

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Sabo left

Ryo: Alright Sabo left

Ryo lied down on the bed again and immediately started snoring

Zoro: Heh he was just staying awake for his brother that's so like him

Ryo's ears twitched a little as he slept and luffy ended up using him as a pillow again

Then later on

Ryo wakes up too the smell of food and immediately starts eating

Luffy sort of does the same by sleep eating

Ussop: Huh? You're not sleep eating are you?

Ryo: he sure is

Zoro: The navy could bust down that door at any moment might as well eat while we can

Luffy: Ok

The gang is chowing down

Kinemon: indeed they carried on and on about lady Rebecca's father I believe they suggest he was a prince from some foreign land, yes

Kanjuro: apparently

Luffy: wow that's a strange story 'he falls asleep' keeps eating 'he then gets sad' and I'm sad because Sabo's gone! 'He continues eating' we've gotta hurry and catch up with sanji's group too 'he falls asleep again kind of"

Zoro: You can't be hungry and angry and crying and sleepy at the same time luffy! Make up your mind!

Ryo: He can't this is just how he's always been

Luffy: 'angry' yeah but that old soldier dude is Rebecca's real dad! 'He falls asleep again'

Ussop: you haven't fully recovered yet, stop stuffing your face and lie down! And Ryo you should do that too

Ryo: No way! 'He devours a chicken wing' By the way who made up that story again it's dumb

Luffy: Seriously!

Zoro: yeah he's right it's stupid makes no sense

Ussop: that's what they said for sure

Kinemon: of course these ears don't lie

Kanjuro: yes upon my honour

They are all just eating

Kyros: I was the person who got the rumour started the only ones who know the truth are some of the royal family and those of the donquixote family that dug into my past, the kingdom knows her mother but little more than that, I spread that story before they could find out that Rebecca is my daughter

Robin: but why?

Kyros: it's because of my past I was a criminal and someone of my low breeding could never marry royalty this is..better for her

Luffy slams his hand down: No it isn't it!, does Rebecca know abiut all of this stuff

Kryos: she must have read my note I told her the honest truth about my whole life because of what I did Rebecca suffered for a long time, I want her to live in the light forever and that means she can't have anything to do with me. It's the only way I can make amends for failing as her father when you leave this place I'm thinking of leaving as well, she may resent my choice but she's still a child and I won't let her life be ruined over a temporary fit of emotion, king Riku understand and agrees with me

Luffy is making a very specific face that just looks like he doesn't believe a word of what Kryos just said

Then the transponder snail starts running

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