The monsters

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The gang is walking down a corridor

Franky: you've got to keep her eyes peeled for traps or we'll end up like our cook we are already missing half out Damn crew wouldn't surliness me if moral is trying to split us up

Zoro: probably just sanji's fault he is pretty dumb still can't believe we found one of the seven warlords of the sea out here

Ryo: I wonder what would happen if one of our shadows gets stolen

Robin: now that would be interesting

Pig: don't ask me I'm not squealing

Luffy: know I promised that old guy I'd beat up Moria but maybe that should be second, gotta look out for my crew

The pig just doesn't shut up  

Ryo sends electricity through the pig

Ryo: now unless you want more pain I'd say you start guiding us

Pig: yes sir

Ryo hears something

Franky: huh what's up

Ryo shakes his head: I guess nothing hmm

They keep walking 

Luffy is still torturing the pig 

Franky: when we get our cook back we making bacon out of you

Robin: perhaps they where strangled so they can't call out of help

Ryo: hmm I'd say tied up and gagged is also an option but I guess we'd hear their muffled screams

Franky: Seriously no more predictions out of you two, what the hell

Luffy: Hey wait a second when did we last see zoro

Ryo: ugh I guess he got captured too

Franky: I don't like this

Robin: I wonder what could've happened to them

Franky: there's no where for them too go they where walking right next too is

Ryo: I didn't hear it smell anything

Robin: perhaps ghosts have something do to with it

Ryo: yeah maybe there's a poltergeist around here and it knocked them out and pulled them away

Robin: in that case I hope they didn't lose any limbs

Franky: dammit stop with all that creepy talk!  And try and think of a way we can't find them

That's when they hear metal being scraped along the floor

They then see a moving suit of armour and it falls

It gets back up

Luffy: zoro, Sanji where did they go

Luffy is in the suit of armour 

Franky: this is no time to screw around! What's wrong with you?

Ryo: no he did that right thing

Luffy: Yeah! Everyone knows if there's suits of armour laying around you gotta put it on and wear it, it's like fulfilling a man's dream

Ryo and Robin walk off

Franky starts singing a sad song

Robin: Hey there's a large hall up ahead

The pig laughs

Ryo: well I'll be Damned

Robin: yeah that's what this is

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