Another reveal

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Ryo's ears twitch and he hears a lot of noise so obviously that's where his crew is

He jumps down on front of where everyone is

Ryo: Hey guys what's up!

Luffy: Ryo! How was visiting your house

Ryo: it was good, got some closure

Luffy nods

Nami: Huh of course you where born here

Ryo: Uh huh

Ussop: Wow so what did you learn

Ryo looks down: I'll tell you later

They all know that look and immediately drop it

Zoro notices: Hey is that a new sword handle, it looks strong

Ryo smirks: oh yeah it is, This was the sword that belong to portgas d akuma the demon of the sea

Zoro's eye widens: So it's your

Ryo: yeah it's my dad's sword

Zoro: awesome

Robin: So now you've got that scarf form your mother and a sword from your father

Ryo: (oh yeah I forgot she doesn't know I gave it to Yamato) yeah I guess you're right

Something is then thrown at Ryo, it's a cup of sake

Ryo glances at zoro

Zoro smirks: drink up dude it's good stuff

Ryo nods and sits down then starts chugging it

Minks: Let us garchu! Ryo!

Ryo sighs but smirks and let's out a little bit of electro

The minks around him all shiver

Mink 1: that felt nice

Mink 2: yeah Garchu!

Ryo waves them off, zoro grumbles

Within seconds Ryo has joined the party

Then brook rushes in screaming blood murder

He arrives on the floor out of breath, his clothes torn up, he then gets up

Brook sees the crew:'re here!

All of the dressrosa gang: Hey brook!

Brook: oh joy! I read about your big battle I'm so glad you're all ok!, I missed you

Luffy: What happened to you, you're all banged up

Brook : Never mind me I'm sorry about Sanji, I feel like I've lost all face, not that I had one to begin with

Ryo: wait where is Sanji

All of the others look down

Nami cries a little: he's gone, we lost him

Ryo's eye widens: what?

Luffy gives him a look and says they'll all talk about it later

Ryo nods

Ussop: anyway, wasn't momo supposed to be with you guys too

Brook: ahh sssh 'he whispers' yes and he's unharmed but the thing is, he's not very fond of the minks

Luffy: well why not they're so nice to us, even Ryo is half mink

Brook: that's true but he's decided to lock himself up in a room, still that's convenient for us

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