The fox vs the fish

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Ryo and Kyros stare each other down

Kyros rushes at Ryo who proceeds to dodge every single one like he can see it coming back well he can he has observation Haki

Kyros: how is this possible I'm the fastest fighter on fishman island!

Ryo: and I don't care!

Ryo finds an opening then does a powerful and swift jab to the fish man's gut

Kyros: ugh

Ryo: honestly you new fishman pirates have just been an annoyance too me so please just get lost!

Ryo rushes forward and punches kyros in the face and starts punching him over and over again

But kyros jumps away eventually

Kyros: Tch eat this!

Kyros starts to do a move similar to moon walk

Kryos: Behold the technique thay allows me to manipulate the water in the air to move around I call it hydro stride!

Ryo: wow that's actually impressive

Kryos launches at and ryo and slams an axe kick down on him creating a shockwave but it's revealed that Ryo had blocked it easily

Ryo: Thunder cloak!

Ryo grips kyros leg causing him grunt in pain and then Ryo tosses him into a wall

Kryos is now dented into a wall

Ryo: you had enough yet

Kryos: not even close HAA! HYRDO GATLING

He shoots a powerful barrage of water bullets at Ryo but he just dodges causally

Kyros: You fell for it!

Kryos goes for a powerful attack boosted by the speed of his hydro stride

Kryos: Now fishman karate! Hydro brick fist!

Ryo: (armament hardening!)

He catches the punch easily causing a shockwave

Kryos: what the!

Ryo: Tch you're nothing compared to Jinbei

Jinbei: like I told luffy instead of improving he relies on false strength

Ryo: oh so you took the energy steroids too that makes sense,

Ryo then sends electricity coursing throguh his fist shocking the fishman he then strikes him in the gut with his Hakified knee before unleashing a powerful shoulder throw

Kryos skids along the ground

Kryos: Dammit! Eat this!

He unleashes even more water projectiles

But Ryo just activates thunder cloak and takes a stance similar to Jinbei's fishman karate

Rushes in at unbelievable speed before stopping right in front with his fist covered in Haki and electricity, NOW GIGAVOLT BRICK FIST!

He lands a huge gut punch on Kryos's stomach sending him once again soaring into a wall this time he doesn't get back up immediately

Ryo just nods

Then it gets really dark and they all look up too see a gargantuan ship floating above them

Apparently it's called the Noah and it's current about to break through the bubble protecting them

Brook: There is no way that this will end well for us

Chooper: it's so big

Ussop: We're dead! We are dead for sure this time!

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