Take out anyone in our way, lets save those kids and get out of here

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They are all on top of brown beard

Robin: I can't believe he compromised his own lab that Ceasar guy must really want us all dead

Brook: I get the feeling that this Caesar guy may not be completely right in the head

Ryo: yeah I'm getting that impression too

Ussop: we may have escaped but that doesn't mean we are safe yet

Nami: you're right we've gotta find those children ASAP and then we need to get out butts over to gate 66 the sooner we leave this annoying island the better I've had enough

Ryo; agreed

Zoro: he can't you run any faster

Brown beard: Are you kidding me? When did you all get on my back geez it's getting too heavy

Zoro: you gotta forgive us brown beard just power through it I'm afraid we've got no other choice

Brown beard: we don't? Why not? Better be a good reason

Zoro: yeah trust me it is, we've been running all day and now we don't want too p

Brown beard: that's an awful reason get off my back!

Brown beard hears snoring and sees Ryo taking a nap on his back 

Brown beard: He's asleep! I will shake him off!

Ryo is still snoring peacefully while they are all being total jerks

then later

Ryo wakes up and sees a dragon flying over then breaths fire at them

He doesn't say anything though

Ryo: (hmm just one breath could roast us all alive)

The dragon keeps blasting flames everywhere meaning the whole rooom is now on fire

Ryo: (it's getting pretty hot in here)

Then brook complains that the dragon didn't wanna eat him

Brook and kinemon argue whose going to kill the dragon

Nami strikes it with lightning

Ussop shoots a stinky flower

Robin grabs it pulling it too the ground

The kinemon cuts the fire in half

Ryo: (wow)

Kinemon and brook then finish it off

Ryo watches kinemon being very angry at the dragon

Ryo: (so he hates dragons that makes sense considering he's from want but isn't it supposed to be an isolated country)

They then see chopper in his monster form fighting the kids

And they eventually break free running down the hall too find the candy

Chopper turns back to normal out of exhaustion 

Chopper: No that's stuffs bad for you!, don't eat the candy you can't ingest any more of the drug! If you do it'll reek havoc on your bodies please listen I'm begging you! You can't eat any more candy!

He then hears the sound of someone above him

?: that's not your job to tell them

Chopper looks up and sees a strong man he doesn't look old but he definitely looks strong

Chopper looks up and sees a strong man he doesn't look old but he definitely looks strong

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Chopper: Who,.who are you?

?: it doesn't matter

The man hakifies his fist and swings it down at chopper before it's blocked

Ryo: What the hell are you doing to our doctor!

Chopper: Ryo!

Ryo: Guys I'll take care of him you grab chopper and run!

Nami: got it! Good luck

Ryo: don't mind me just remember to save those kids

Nami and chooper nods and grabs chopper and run off quickly followed by the others

Ryo: So why'd you just let them run off you could've caught up with them you where fast enough too get here without anyone noticing you almost like you came out of nowhere

?: well you are fats enough to stop me dragon killer so what's the point

Ryo: fair enough so why are you doing this and what's your na

?: the name is Kaito and I serve master Caesar

Ryo: Fine let's go!

Kaito: that seems like the logical next step

As they exchanged blows, Ryo noticed the lack of emotion in Kaito's eyes. It was as if he was fighting a machine rather than a living being. But Ryo knew better than to underestimate his opponent.

With a swift kick, Ryo aimed for Kaito's midsection, but Kaito deftly sidestepped, his movements almost mechanical in their precision. Ryo gritted his teeth, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.

Kaito emotionless You're wasting your time I am merely following orders

Ryo's expression hardened. He refused to let Kaito's words deter him.

Ryo rushed at kaito again with a lot of force

This fight continues for a long time

Despite Ryo's persistent assault, Kaito remained unfazed, his stoic demeanor never wavering. Ryo's had their usual ferocity, but he knew he couldn't use his full strength because he was already tired he hadn't eaten or rested in a while, to make things worse Kaito seemed to absorb each blow with ease. Ryo started to get more and more annoyed with each passing moment, his movements grew more forceful, his strikes becoming sharper and more focused.

Ryo: Why aren't you going down!?

Kaito: I am merely executing my orders.

Ryo's annoyance grew as he fought to suppress his mounting frustration. He knew that allowing his emotions to cloud his judgment would only serve to weaken him further. With a deep breath, he forced himself to refocus, his mind clearing as he honed in on his opponent. With renewed determination, Ryo launched himself at Kaito once more, his movements precise and calculated. This time, he aimed for Kaito's vulnerabilities, exploiting any opening he could find.

The two continued clashing over and over again

Ryo: Tell me! Why are you letting Caesar experiment on those kids!?

Kaito: that's none of your business pirate but trust he's doing it for a valid reason

Ryo: Tch anybody with an attitude like that doesn't have a good reason for doing anything

Kaito: I have no reason to care what you think

Ryo: fine 'Ryo crackles with lightning' let's turn it up a notch Thunder cloak!

Kaito nods and Hakifies his fists

Ryo: hmm you can use Haki too not bad

Ryo rushes at Kaito and they clash once again sending Haki flying around

Kaito: so you can use it too huh

Ryo nods

Kaito: Fine then let's just continue

They rush at each other once again and clash over and over again fighting at insane speeds

Kaito: I am following orders! So I will not lose!

Ryo punches Kaito in the face but he just seems to take it and punches the half mink in the gut

Ryo: argh! Tch!

He slams Kaito too the ground by striking him with his hakified arms

Ryo: (Damn this guy isn't even near my level but he's definitely stubborn guess following orders works for him)

Kaito gets up and looks ready to keep going

Ryo: tch this is gonna be a nuisance

They rush at each other again

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