Nothing happened

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There's devastation everywhere

Every man and woman are down

The strawhats have fallen

The tyrant kuma now stands over luffy ready to end him


Two slashes are carved one into each of his shoulders

Zoro: Lion song!

Ryo: Thunderclap and flash!

But what's underneath his skin is machinery

Zoro: of course I should've known, so you are a cyborg like franky huh

Ryo breathes heavily: No.this guy is on a completely different level compared to him he's way tougher

That's when Kuma starts beeping and a bright light is emitted from his mouth

And a beam is fired right out of it

But in flash

Ryo has his sword ignited and is blocking it

Zoro: Ryo!

Ryo: (my names Raikiri Ryo if I can't cut this I don't deserve too have that name) HAAA!

Ryo falters However and the beam explodes sending him soaring back and crashes into the ground again

Ryo: (ugh I'm getting sick of eating dirt!) Zoro we can't give up!

Zoro breathes heavily: I know that dammit!

They both are now on their knees in exhaustion both have gone far past their limits

Kuma: a cyborg I suppose you could call me that but my metal parts are all I have in common with your friend franky, I'm a creation known as a pacifista, an in development human weapon project of the world government
I was created by the governments most renowned scientist dr vegapunk one of the greatest geniuses this world has ever known too put that is perspective his discoveries are so sophisticated that it has been said it will take the rest of the world 500 years too catch up too him

Zoro: technology that advanced and you have devil fruit poses ik starting too think you have an advantage over me

Ryo: not too mention this is a monster even without those factors in play if he wasn't a warlord who knows how high his bounty would be, Haha it looks like my body is shutting down what a time right

Zoro: yeah this is embarrassing so is mine it won't listen too me anymore the only way you'll back down is if we give you luffy's head

kuma: that is the only compromise i am willing too offer


Zoro: and if his isn't enough TAKE MINE AS WELL I may notbhave the same bounty on my head as luffy and ryo right now but i know i am destined to be the worlds greatest swordsman surely that must be worth something

kuma: you both posses so much ambition yet you are both willing to give it all up and exchange your lives for his

Ryo: i promised someone that i would protect luffy and i have to die protecting him and the rest of my crew then so be it

Zoro: i feel the same way, there is no other choice what's the pont innhavjng ambition if i can't even save my captain
Luffy is the man who will become king of the pirates

Ryo just nods without an essence of doubt in his eyes

they both stand before this enemy ready to give their lives

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