The giant rubber zombie and the annoying shadow master

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The strawhats are still fighting

Oars in is the sky and unleashes gum gum bell!

Swinging a massive headbutt which they all barely mange to dodge


Ussop: He's coming back for more


They dodge another attack

Ryo flips back too dodge

Oars lands

Sanji: dammit he just got exponentially more powerful

Zoro: it's not like he ate a devil fruit so how's he able to stretch

Ryo: I bet you it was Moria, it had to be something

Moria explains the ability shadow revolution using his own shadow he can change the shape of oar's shadow and then when he does that the body changes shape too match making the shadow the master over the hody

Chopper: Moria is even stronger than we thought, even if oars doesn't have a devil fruit power he can still stretch and with Moria's power he can rewrite the rules

Sanji: it does provide a bit of comfort to know oars isn't actually a rubber man

Ryo: yeah but since he has all the same powers he may as well be dammit, can we ever catch a break

Zoro: Right! It was hard before but now it's almost impossible

Moria then forces oars too become a ball

Moria: Oars ball! Dodge this!, roll!

Then it stops and Moria says he'll provide support to oars and crush them however he sees fit

Nami: Hey this just occurred to me but where is luffy

Ussop: he went off after Moria but got tricked I'm sure he's going to get back soon though

Nami: Seriously does he have to do something stupid every time

Ryo: Ehh you learn to live with it

Nami: Ok I know I'm a little late too the party but let me get this straight we need to defeat luffy's zombie and Moria in order too get everyone's shadows bakc is that the gist of it

Ussop: yeah that's about it

Nami: You're kidding the sun is almost up!

Ussop: The enemy is forcing our hand it's not like we have much of a choice!

Brook: Excuse me, please allow me to help I have an idea that just might work

Ryo and zoro charge the zombie

Chopper: get back here both of you! Don't be reckless

Ryo and zoro just keep running forward

Brook the fires past covered in lighting and blasts straight through oar's shoulder


Zoro: Alright two sword style

Ryo: Lighting sword Style!


Both warriors slice upwards causing oars too stumble back

Oars is then pissed off and unleashes gum gum battle axe right where brook landed

Ryo: Brook!

Ussop: Go atlas star!

He strikes oars with some explosions but it doesn't do anything

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