Storming the castle

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Barto and Sabo enter the Colosseum ready to brawl

As for Ryo well

Him, Luffy, Zoro, Kinemon and viola are charging through the castle taking out every guard in their way

Ryo takes out a quite a few guards by just striking them with his fists then one tries to attack him from behind but he just catches the blade, shatters it and sends the guard flying

Kinemon and Wika head out to the toy house

Kinemon: Sir luffy I go fare well, Sir Ryo, Sir zoro, madam ninja stay strong

Kinemon leaves

Ryo: You know that guy is growing on me

Luffy: Yeah I think he's pretty cool

Viola: We need to go

Boys: Right

They are then seen in B-1 in the rampart tower

They head up some stairs and go left

Luffy: I'm coming Mingo the cost is clear

Zoro: Guess security can't keep up

They all skid to a halt when the lights start going out

Luffy: Uhh that's weird

Ryo: Yeah and not at all concerning

The the wall starts charging and seems to be changing into a


Ryo: Yeah this is definitely concerning

Then out of the wall comes a massive stone man

Luffy: It's huge!

Ryo: Yeah but what the hell is it!?

Zoro: A wall monster!

Viola: Not quite, it's pica!

Luffy: Thats a dude! What's his deal!?

Viola: He's a top executive, a stone assimilation man

Zoro: Great and we get to deal with him

Ryo: Let me guess devil fruit user?

Viola: Yes..he ate the stone stone fruit, you see

Zoro: So he controls the walls

Luffy: he just looks like a bunch of bricks if you ask me, hey buddy are you really a person or what

Pica turns to look at them

Luffy: Well answer the question! You can talk can't you?

Pica swings his massive fist making all of them dodge out of the way

Zoro: We're dead if that guy hits us, How do you even fight back?

Ryo: Really wish I knew but right now he's in our way!

Luffy: Ryo is right! I don't care what this guys title is I'm going to kick mingo's ass whatever it takes 'he activates second gear' so get out of my way!

Luffy rushes at pica


Luffy completely obliterated Pica

Luffy smirked: There easy..come on

Ryo: Well..alright then

Zoro: that didn't take much

They run through the rubble when suddenly the ground starts moving and a hand shoots out from the ground ans pica appears once again

Luffy: Back for more huh?

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