The man who fought the king

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The three older brothers are chasing down a huge panda like creature

Eventually sabo and Ryo corner him so he ends up running straight for a cliff

Ace: Good he's running straight for the bay

Ryo: Hehe well we've done our part

Sabo: Yeah Luffy you're up!

Luffy: Hello food!

He jumps and tries skid down the mountain but he just ends up falling

Luffy misses but because he's rubber he bounces right into the beast on knocking it over

The beast briefly gets back up but falls

Luffy: ha I got him, You see that!

Ryo: Hehe Awesome!

Sabo: wow nice one luffy

Ace: alright that's three in one day we are gonna have a ton of Danfa soup tonight

Luffy: I did it! I can't hunt too!

Ryo then senses something

Ryo: Uhh Guys up there!

They both see and get scared

Luffy is still celebrating

Sabo: Uh Luffy behind you look out!

Luffy: Huh behind me?

It was the massive tiger that almost ate luffy before

Ace: he must have smelt out dinner and come running

Ryo: Dammit, Luffy he's not interested in you, get out of there!

Luffy is still scared but this time he's determined 

Luffy: I've never hunted anything this big, this one is special to me, So go and get your own food!

Luffy starts hitting the tiger

Sabo: Luffy cut it out, he's way too tough we can get another one

Luffy: No way I said this one is special, get away cst I'm gonna bonk you

The tiger sends luffy flying

Ryo: Luffy! Are you ok!?

Sabo: that looks bad

Luffy gets up and tries to uses his gum gum pistol but as usual he misses and ends up on top of the beasts head and once again goes flying

Luffy gets up again: Round 2, Now gum gum-

Ryo: Nope we are not doing that

Ace and Sabo: Yeah no you don't

They all drag luffy off

Luffy: I'll get you next time!

They are walking back across a bridge

Luffy is depressed and sighs heavily

Ryo: Yeah sorry Lu

Sabo: I know that was your first big kill and all

Ace: he'll get over it which is something we couldn't say if he got eaten

Luffy: yeah but that tiger cheated he can't steal from me, I've gotta teach him a lesson

He jumps up and when he lands back down he shakes the bridge

Ryo: Argh!

Ace: Wow! If you wanna die that bad don't take us with you

Luffy ends up jumping up and down and he ends up making a crack in bridge

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